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Financial doldrums

September 23rd, 2008 at 09:08 pm

Nothing exciting happening moneywise so far this week.

This is going down in history as one of my worst health years so far. Now I've got a cold/sore throat, just as my teeth start to heal! I have no idea if I should reschedule my final checkup with the periodontist tomorrow.

Ugh, ugh, ugh. I'm only at work because I knew my boss (the only other proofreader) is going home early today. Plus I don't know if I'll be worse off tomorrow and REALLY need a sick day.

I just hope I get better, because we've got a fun few weeks ahead of us; Project Runway night tomorrow, a friend's 30th on Friday, nice dinner out on Saturday, another TV night with friends next Thursday, and leaving for vacation next Friday, to tour VA/WV/DC/MD for 10 days. I want to be able to really enjoy everything!

Luckily this seems to be a minor, if annoying, ailment. Hopefully we'll all shake it off soon. (Oh yeah, we've all got it. Did I mention that part?) Hopefully now that we've all had it for a day or two, we aren't contagious anymore. (Isn't that how it works?)

On the bright side, very easy cooking night; we're using the mushroom sauce we made this weekend, so all we have to do is boil some pasta and reheat the sauce!

Busy week last week!

September 22nd, 2008 at 05:44 pm

I just got caught up reading all the posts from Friday on! I've been so busy at work and home that I haven't been keeping up like I usually do, and haven't had time to write much either.

Last week was crazy busy at work--my time was almost 100% billable, which is unusual for me. Then at home, AS and I are working hard to get a housekeeping rhythm going so NT doesn't have anything to do but homework. Part of the job is keeping an eye on him and making sure he doesn't do any surreptitious housework! It's hard--today I woke up and some of the dishes I'd left for today were done, and the counters cleaned. Grrr...

NT had to write papers and do homework all weekend, so AS and I took a page from a friend's book--he's doing lots of batch cooking and freezing so there's less to do later in the month--and did a lot of cooking for the week. In addition to veggie "chicken" parmesan for lunch and veggie "roast" dinner with 3 side dishes on Saturday; veggie brats/burgers, instant mashed potatoes and cabbage & apples for lunch, and pasta with spicy garlic toss and oven-roasted cherry tomatoes for dinner Sunday; and several strawberry and/or banana milkshakes; we made:
- Big serving of the cabbage & apple dish (we'll have the rest Thursday)
- Two loaves of multigrain bread and one of banana bread, for lunches & breakfasts
- Carrot (with tops) soup to have for lunches
- Radish salad (I'll try that tonight)
- Salsa for tacos later this week
- Mushroom/tarragon cream sauce for pasta later this week

This was partly to save work later in the week, partly to make sure some of the veggies got used while they were at their peak.

We're trying to be extra-frugal with our grocery shopping so we can have a surplus next week and go out to dinner somewhere nice. So far the budget looks like it's working out exactly to plan!

October goal

September 18th, 2008 at 09:10 pm

OK, I feel comfortable posting an October goal now that I have a pretty good feel for what's going to happen with AS.

I feel OK about throwing the maximum we have toward debt this month, because I think we'll have enough to cover all the minimums for the forseeable future.

So my October goal is to pay off $3,000 in debt.

Layoff probable and imminent!

September 18th, 2008 at 05:42 pm

I just heard from AS, who just had a private chat with one of her bosses.

It sounds like she will get laid off, and soon! Hooray!

The boss was very nice; she said AS was on her list of possible layoffs, but that she could spare a couple people because she'd saved more money than she needed to. She said she'd heard that AS might not be happy with her job and would want to move on soon, and was there anything she could do to change that? AS said probably not. The boss said she'd made her decisions a little easier and thanked her.

If only all people at her job were this nice and clear about things, she probably wouldn't want to leave this bad! But anyway, it's a good situation, because she was able to say in not-so-many words, Please lay me off. And her boss was able to imply that she would make it so.

It's not official yet, but it sounds like it will happen, and that it will be announced before we go on vacation.

She'll only get one week of severance pay, but at least she'll qualify for unemployment, which should cover health care and keep us from cutting back on anything except extra debt repay. That's a load off our minds! And this would mean AS could afford to do some volunteer work on spec, which is one way to maybe get a job in the field she wants.

Shifting some debt over

September 16th, 2008 at 05:01 pm

Yesterday we got a check for $3,293.72 from the university NT's attending. We received too much financial aid and I thought they'd send the excess straight back to the loan company, but instead they sent it to us.

I was going to just deposit it and write a check to the loan company, but then it struck me: Why use the money to pay off a 5.7% interest loan when I've got that 8.9% personal loan sitting there with over $22,000 left to pay?

So I'm going to use the check to pay off $3,293.72 of my personal loan instead. I'm not sure how much money it will save us over time, but it certainly won't hurt matters any. So effectively, I haven't lowered my debt at all, but my CC/personal debt will be less and student loan debt will be more. Kind of like a little balance transfer to a lower-interest loan, but without the balance transfer fee.

Reached September goal and then some!

September 15th, 2008 at 03:27 pm

Personal loan hit; $1,036 went to principal. Woo hoo! So my goal was to pay off $1,350, and I actually paid $2,041!

And that's $48,360 to go on my Big-Picture Goal. (I know I won't hit it but I still want to track my progress on it for the time being.)

Yesterday we were going to the mall for some much-needed clothes shopping and a movie. NT got over $100 in OT pay, and since we already reached our vacation goal that it would have gone to, we decided to divvy it up to help us shop for clothes. Good thing, because money doesn't go far at full-price stores (which we almost never shop at anymore). We all made some very smart purchases and got things we needed, and actually got our movie for free, because American Eagle was offering a free movie ticket for trying on some jeans and another ticket for buying them. Two of us liked our jeans so we got 5 movie tickets altogether! Now we can go next week and only have to pay for one ticket between us.

It felt oddly foreign to go to the mall and shop and go to a movie. We even ate at the food court! It did make me think I like shopping and eating out, but the only way at this point I could add more money in for that would be to divert money away from travel, and I think that's our main leisure priority. We can't have all our wants at once, but we could always reprioritize later if we felt like it.

Generous change jar; uncertain future

September 11th, 2008 at 11:10 pm

The change jar yielded $84.83 when the bank counted and deposited it! Our vacation is fully funded and then some. We're going to have a lot of fun in October.

Spoke to AS just now. Her job is getting more and more miserable by the day. More worrisome, it seems to be sapping her energy and confidence, both of which she's going to need if she's going to get a job to match her new degree. (It is a new field for her, but I know she can talk her way in, just not with her self-esteem at this low state.)

We talked about how she may need to get out before she finds a job, so she can lose the negativity and also have more time to devote to the job search. We put almost her entire paycheck toward extra debt repay, so with a few other cutbacks, we could survive on just two checks for a little while. All that would happen is that our debt repay would slow to a crawl, and some of our discretionary spending would have to stop temporarily. Of course we'd have to pay for health insurance and bus passes, but otherwise our necessary expenses wouldn't go up.

We decided to wait a week or two. Layoffs are going to be announced soon, and she wouldn't want to give notice before that. If she gets laid off instead of quitting she'll probably get a nice severance package, which could make this a much easier time for us. I've never hoped for someone to get laid off before, but there's a first time for everything! Smile Anyway, she's putting out some feelers, so there's a slight chance she'll get a nibble from some company before she has to quit. But I'm steeling myself for her quitting, just to be prepared.

It's kind of scary, but overall it's a gamble that I think would pay off. AS has fearsome interview and job-hunting skills, but the barrage of blows to her self-esteem from bad co-workers, an unstimulating yet stressful position, a dismal fiscal situation in her department and a revolving stable of ever-worsening bosses have conspired to weaken her somewhat. I think even just the satisfaction of telling them she's leaving will do wonders! Once she's back in fighting shape, I've no doubt she can find a great job, probably one that pays a good deal more than her current crapfest.

Within $1.11

September 11th, 2008 at 05:33 pm

...of my new higher vacation savings goal! And since we have $25 automatically going into the account in two weeks, and a big ol' jar of change to take into the bank today, we will easily exceed, maybe even by $100. I think I will accumulate up to $100 more than my goal, and if we want to splurge on something during the vacay we will; if not, the excess will go into savings for our next vacation.

I have a nice big payment going to my personal loan tomorrow, though it will probably not hit until Monday. That will get me to my September goal and then some!

I've been thinking recently that I need to acknowledge my "Big-Picture Goal" will not be reached by 12/31/09. I'll have more money going toward mortgage and student loans and thus less and less to put toward CC debt, at least unless one of us gets a higher-paying job (too uncertain to count on). Also, if I want to start trying to get pregnant, I'll have to divert what extra money I do have into creating a proper emergency fund, and expanding my grocery/household budget to include baby supplies.

I'm now thinking that my main goal should be paying off my personal loan ($23,614 right now), which at 8.99% is by far the highest-interest debt I have. After that I really feel I need to pay my dad the rest of the money I owe him for helping us with our condo down payment. (I paid him $5,000 of the $12,000 within the first two years, but I haven't made a payment since then.) I was going to pay off ALL CC debt and then end with that, since it's no interest and no minimum payments. But if it's going to be several years before we're CC debt-free, I need to pay him by the end of next year either way. It's one of those emotional decisions that doesn't make the most financial sense; I know my dad is good with his money and has no urgent need to get that back, but I want him to feel like he raised a daughter who keeps her word.

Slowly coming back into focus

September 9th, 2008 at 05:32 pm

Recuperating from an illness or procedure for me is like living life in the outskirts, slightly out of focus. It's hard for me to focus on anything outside of my own health, and I keep to myself more so I feel like the world notices me less.

Today I finally feel a bit more in focus. Yesterday I did go back to work, but I barely communicated with anyone beyond the necessities. Today I feel more up to talking, and people respond to that unconsciously--more people are addressing me in the halls, etc. I'm moving down to 2 Ibuprofens at a time versus 3, and it seems to be working just as well, so I assume the pain is a little less and the healing is happening.

Anyway, beginning to post and follow everyone's blogs is part of coming out of my daze. I'll be going back through the past few days to catch up on your news!

Moneywise, not too much has happened, except:

- We did get about $32 deposited into PayPal for our 3 old, semifunctional iPods. I recommend the site: You have to pay your own shipping but they responded quickly and were legit.

- deposited about $85 for the last few weeks of book sales. The rush appears to be over, but NT did decide to drop one of his classes, so we posted the textbooks, some on and the rest on Never used that site, so I'll let you know my experience with them! They suggested a higher price for some of the books so I decided to try getting more money that way.

- NT got another $3 from Pinecone!

- Found a necklace my brother gave AS for Christmas many years ago, and NT took it to a jeweler to ask if it was valuable or just costume jewelry. He said that it was 14K gold and a real diamond, and that we might be able to get $100 or so at a pawn shop for it! We'll probably try to take it somewhere over the weekend and see if that's the case.

- Finally sent NT's UK taxes off. Really crossing my fingers again that I did them correctly! He normally does not file (UK will take care of it for you most of the time) so I'm slightly more qualified because I understand US taxes at least. But British legalese and bureaucrat-speak is just different enough (from the US jargon I'm used to) that I feel like I'm wading through clotted cream when I read it! Smile

- Needed a new kitchen faucet; it sprang a leak when we put the new Brita filter on, and NT realized it had rusted through at the top. Was able to afford by using some of my paltry emergency fund, a bit of the home-improvement garage-sale money, and some of our household/grocery money.

- We also had to buy a new vacuum cleaner this month (they stopped making the replacement bags for our old one!), so our grocery money is looking a bit thin. AS and I have taken over the cooking since NT started college, so this weekend will be our first stab at a budget-conscious weekly menu. I think we'll do all right. We've actually been keeping up with the household work and cooking fairly well! This frees up NT to do his homework instead.

- Received a notice from the condo office about a noise complaint, which they suspect may be due to us not having the required 75% of floor covered by carpet. Now let me admit, we do not have any carpet and are in violation of this rule. BUT we've lived here for 5 years and never had a complaint, so I suspect the noise was from moving out the old furniture for the garage sale and assembling/moving into place all our new furniture. Which would have made a lot of noise even if we'd had rugs, I think. So we're not sure if we'll have to buy rugs and put them down, or what. I just hope we don't get some kind of stupid fine, because we've always been tolerant of neighbors' noisy renovation projects and NEVER have turned them in, even when they worked kind of later than they should. I hope instant karma favors us and lets us weasel out of this one without hemorraghing a lot of money. Smile

Well, I guess that was actually more money news than I thought I had!

Home and recovering

September 5th, 2008 at 05:05 am

Thanks for everybody's encouragement and sympathy. I took today off and I wrote in sick for tomorrow, too--there's no pain so the medicine is working that way, but for some reason my stomach isn't tolerating either Vicodin or Ibuprofen too well--I threw up last night and again tonight. I think it's a matter of not taking anything on an empty stomach, but I don't want to be at work nauseous!

The doctor said he felt it all went well. It was very very unpleasant and I panicked much more than I thought I would during the procedure, but it didn't hurt at all because of the Novocaine. He had to scrape and plane some teeth, and "move the gumline" and "smooth some jagged bone" on the other side. Right now I have some kind of plasticy dressing so I can't tell if the shape of my teeth and gums feels dramatically different. Probably best I can't feel it. Unfortunately the dressing tastes/smells slightly chemicaly or mediciny, so when I'm feeling nauseous that doesn't help.

I'm going in to see him on Wednesday for a follow-up. I'm going to ask him if there's anything my dentist could have done to clean my teeth better and prevent this from happening. I'd hate to switch dentists, but I'm a little disturbed how much there was to scrape off. Maybe he can give me some advice to pass along to my regular dentist. My semiannual checkup is next week, and I'm going to keep that appointment so they can get to know my new tooth situation.

Well, time to go rinse my mouth and try to get some sleep. The nausea kept me up most of last night, so I napped off and on all day. Hope I can fall asleep normally tonight!

Off to the dentist soon

September 3rd, 2008 at 06:22 pm

My gums surgery is scheduled for 2:30 pm today. I'm nervous and excited. If this means the end of feeling unhealthy for awhile, I'll be so happy. If my random health problems continue, I may need to learn transcendental meditation or something. I don't deal well with the feeling of my body slowly breaking down. Obviously I will have to get used to that feeling at some point, but at 34 it feels way too soon. (Yes, I'm very melodramatic when it comes to my health.)

AS suggested moving my physical up this year, as I seem to have lots of things to discuss with my doctor. I may consider it if I don't feel free and clear soon.

Anyway, here's hoping my surgery goes well and I'm not in pain for too long afterward. I bought some pureed soups in case I don't feel like chewing for awhile.

I just hope I feel up to housework, since I'm trying to get NT to stay away from chores and focus on work and school (which combined give him about a 60-hour work week not counting homework).

Student loan payment hit; new student loans

September 3rd, 2008 at 03:23 pm

AS's student loan payment posted today, with $64 going to principal. So that's $1,005 down, $345 to go on my September goal. I only have one payment left before I hit my goal, a big one to my personal loan that should process around 9/13.

We've taken out student loans for NT's first semester of college; he went to his first class yesterday! He's working full-time and taking a full load of classes this semester, so I don't expect I'll see him much. After this semester he intends to take it easier.

I don't know the exact breakdown of the loans, because AS did the final bits of work. I think we took about 11,000 out for the first two semesters or something. At first that worried me because I only estimated $40,000 in loans for four years of college, but NT's already got a semester's worth of credits under his belt, so he won't have to take this many classes most semesters. I'm still hoping we can get his education for $40,000 or less, especially if I pay for most of his books upfront and don't use loan money for that.

So, when I find out the exact loan amounts, I'm still going to estimate the remainder of $40,000 in my debt list, rather than adding more. (Does that sentence make sense to anyone but me? Probably not.)

Mortgage payments hit

September 2nd, 2008 at 03:17 pm

All our mortgage payments hit today. $488 to principal, broken down thusly:
US mortgage: $300
UK #1: $130
UK #2: $28
UK #3: $30

So that's $941 down, $409 to go on my September goal, and no movement on my Big-Picture Goal.

In other good news, my U.S. mortgage just dipped below $180,000!

And another payment hits

September 1st, 2008 at 02:46 am

My credit card payment hit: $243 to principal. Now I've got $453 down, $897 to go on my September goal, and $49,396 to go on the Big-Picture Goal.

This is the fun part of the month when all my bills hit. I never thought I'd find it fun until recently. Smile

First payment toward September goal

August 31st, 2008 at 04:56 pm

Payment to the UK credit card hit. A pleasant surprise: apparently due to the big extra payment we made earlier this month, almost all of this payment went toward principal: US$210. So that's $210 down, $1140 to go on our September goal, $49,639 to go on the Big-Picture Goal.

Mortgage payments for the next year

August 30th, 2008 at 02:14 am

We finally found out the details of our mortgage adjustment. On Nov. 1, the monthly payment will be going up $79.97. Then it will adjust every year after that.

Considering we can't do a damn thing about refinancing as long as we owe about what it's worth, $80 is a relief. We can definitely work that into our budget. And the interest rate is only going up to 5.99%, so that's still a good rate for the time being.

If it looks like we aren't going to have enough equity to refi by October 2009, we can start pouring extra money toward equity instead of other debt. I just hope house values start to rebound a bit by then to make it easier. Smile

My budget breakdown

August 28th, 2008 at 07:41 pm

Thanks for the advice on my last entry! Both commenters said to go with my gut when categorizing spending. Hmm...well, my gut says the barber is a household necessity like shampoo--and like shampoo, we go to the cheapest one possible ($20 each with tip). And calling the "Mortgage/utilities" category "Mortgage/utilities/telecom" allows me to lump my phone and cable in that expense while still sort of calling it out as a separate category. (Telecom fits with the level of necessity of owning a nice condo in a good neighborhood: I don't NEED to live in a nice place, nor do I NEED cellphones and high-speed Internet, but it sure is important to me.)

So my breakdown prediction for my new October budget is as follows:
Mortgage/utilities/telecom: $2044.18 (28% of take-home)
Debt repay: $2687.67 (37%)
Spending/entertainment: $1489.66 (20%)
Household/grocery: $1059.49 (15%)

I'm fairly happy with those percentages. Debt repay has gone down and spending up since the last time I really calculated it. That's because I realized after our England trip how important travel was to my family, especially me. It's a little sobering to see 20% when you add up all our discretionary spending, but I think it's worth it so far.

The Mortgage etc. category will go up in November and I'll probably take that money out of Debt repay. But if AS gets a higher-paying job eventually, I would like most of that money to go toward the debt-repay category. I'd like to see that percentage get back up over 40%, at least for a little while.

Of course I'll need to start saving for babies soon, and when/if we actually have one (or more), the household budget will go through the roof.

How do you categorize your bills?

August 28th, 2008 at 06:08 pm

I like seeing how my spending breaks down, but I don't always feel the same way about what bills go to which categories. The four main categories I use are:
Household/grocery expenses
Debt repay

Most things are no-brainers (mortgage and condo fees go in Mortgage/utilities, credit cards and student loans go in Debt repay, Netflix and travel savings go in Spending/entertainment, medical and education go in Household/grocery), but others I'm unsure about:

- Is the cellphone package a utility or a household expense? It's our only phone service.

- Is the barber a household or a spending/entertainment expense? Looking groomed is sort of a work necessity, but then so are work clothes and we pay for those out of spending money or windfall money.

- Cable/Internet package: entertainment or household? We use the Internet for a lot of practical household things, but obviously entertainment is a large part of it, and cable is all entertainment.

Where do you think I should put these items? Or do you have a completely different way of breaking things down?

More money matters

August 27th, 2008 at 05:55 pm

I added a new page to my blog, showing my household's net worth broken down by individual. Since we have a lot of younger members on SavingAdvice now, this should be instructive: We all three have lots of debt and haven't handled our money the best, but one of us bought a house young and started retirement contributions as soon as he entered the workforce. Now we're in our late twenties/mid-thirties, and guess who has positive net worth?

I received word of my 3% raise, effective in September. Hooray! It's the first raise in a year and a half so I'm happy. The other good news is if the company doesn't do too terribly for the next six months, we might get another raise in April, since that's the month we usually get raises.

Sold a few more books on, and going to send in some old cellphones and iPods to various online places to get a few bucks. I hope to net $6 for three phones and $20 for two iPods (one of which works). Considering their battered condition I think that's fair enough. The only thing I don't like about the iPod place is that I have to pay shipping upfront. The cellphone site takes care of it and sent me a postage-paid envelope. But I'll pick the cheapest shipping possible for the iPods and cross my fingers.

AS saved us at least $40 (probably much more than that if you figure full price) on NT's textbooks by extensively hunting around for the best deals online. I'm confident we'll be able to sell back whatever books he doesn't keep on I love that site; you can get really nice prices on textbooks! We've sold 16 of the 31 books we posted their in early August, and made about $150 total.

NT got invited to join Pinecone and cashed his first $3 check yesterday. I really hope they have need of a 34YO woman soon! I'm registered and just waiting to hear from them.

Looking ahead to our vacation, it looks like it will be completely funded by Oct. 1. We leave Oct. 3, so once again we'll have paid for a vacation before we even leave. Make that about the second one in my adult life! Smile

More for the vacay fund

August 22nd, 2008 at 01:52 am

Sold two more books on, for $8.99 and $9.99. Also, AS got a small health reimbursement of about $28. And, our change jar is almost full, so soon we can take it into the bank.

We use the debit card for grocery and household spending, so the only cash we use is our spending money. We all throw leftover change from our spending money (plus whatever I find on the ground) into a jar and it goes to the bank when it's full, to put toward whatever we're saving for. So it's a nice way of recycling some of our spending money for other fun stuff. Smile

Divvying up the extra money

August 20th, 2008 at 04:15 pm

I had fun yesterday moving around the $1700 that I had saved for dental costs. I:
- Kept $450 for my surgery
- Paid a couple of small medical bills (about $80 total)
- Paid AS's student loan interest ($145)
- Allocated about $650 to my September personal loan payment for a little debt repay. This means we'll exceed our September goal!
- Added $95 to our home-improvement garage sale winnings, taking it to $450
- Replenished our health and education categories for September that I'd dipped into (bringing them back up to $40 each)
- Put the rest into our travel fund. We've now reached our initial $3000 goal, but I'm going to keep saving in hopes that we can afford some spa treatments too.

In a pretty good money mood

August 19th, 2008 at 10:39 pm

I'm feeling kinda crappy today. Time-o'-month stuff, plus fending something off by guzzling cranberry juice. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, count yourself lucky and move on!) Also, I missed a call yesterday that would have moved my dental surgery up, so I'm bummed about that, and it started me kind of obsessing over my teeth again. Not as bad as before, though, so it's OK.

Despite all that, I'm having a good money day, so that part of me is happy. Smile Here's the scuttlebutt, smallest to biggest:
- Found several pennies on the ground today and yesterday.
- Sold another book on, for 19.99!
- Figured out the main pieces of furniture we want to buy will only come to about $270, leaving about $80 to play with (kitchen storage, artwork). And we have a ride to Ikea tomorrow to pick everything out!
- I freaked out about my upcoming dental surgery costs today, so I called my insurance provider. To my relief, they swore up and down that the max out-of-pocket cost would be $448! That is much better than the $1000-$2000 my fevered imagination was expecting. That means I will easily cover my health and education expenses in September and have a bit left over for extra debt repayment (and possibly spa treatment on our vacation--I think we're all going to need some pampering, bad!)


August 18th, 2008 at 02:53 am

Phew, the garage sale is finally over. I've just been recovering today.

All day Thursday, AS and I loaded up borrowed vehicles (first a station wagon, then a minivan, then the first car again) with items for the sale. The Craigslist person didn't come over or call about the bench/loveseat thing, so we threw that into the sale too. When we were done bringing all our stuff over, we helped organize and load everything into the garage to be locked up overnight. We were exhausted by the end! Luckily NT had dinner and wine ready, so that helped restore us. Smile

The friend who loaned us the station wagon let us keep the car for Friday, too, thank goodness, because we had to be at the sale before 7 a.m. to help lug half the stuff into the driveway and arrange the stuff that was staying in the garage. This was a seven-family sale, did I mention that? And that we'd brought over nearly 750 books in addition to everything else? We didn't get the signs out till we were ready, so we weren't mobbed at 7:30 like last year (a relief). AS and I ran the checkout table most of the day, but sometimes it took a third person, because we had to make sure we wrote down each amount on the right family's page even if someone brought up items from different ones. After the sale we helped load the remaining stuff into the garage. We broke a table the hostess had just bought for $50 when we tried to move it! (Luckily she was able to return it to the store.)

Saturday, we slept in a bit, but we didn't have the car and it's about an hour-long bus ride with a switchover. The second day was at least as busy as the first day, and we finally sold our loveseat thing for $40. We were just glad to be rid of it! Several bookworms took away boxloads of books, which was gratifying (we have eclectic taste between the families, and all the books were in pretty good shape). We kept slashing prices more and more throughout the day to make sure we got rid of as much as possible. At the end, we were having a $2 bag sale, and just letting people cram whatever in, because everything left over was going to Goodwill. (And there was still a lot left over!)

After three days of amazing weather, the heavens opened on the late shoppers, so AS and I grabbed the cash and ran inside to start counting and divvying. All told, we had a profit of nearly $1700, and of that, $355 of it was for my family! We're putting it toward some cheap Ikea furniture, stuff we've been wanting for awhile.

I guess if we counted the $181 from the book and CD stores, the $80 from selling the futon, the $90 or so on and the $50-ish on eBay, we pulled out over $750 from this clearout. Our trip will definitely be paid for as well as some sprucing up of our condo. And there's so much more room in our place! It feels positively airy. Smile

It was exhausting, but in the end I think it was worth it.

September goal set

August 14th, 2008 at 07:11 pm

OK, I hit on a very safe goal of paying off $1350 in September, pretty much the minimum. It's not that any of our student loans have come due, nor that our mortgage has reset (yet). I just don't know how much the dental bills will be or when they'll come due. If I decide later that some of our extra money can go toward debt, I may do that. That's if I get the bill for the dental surgery and it's not as bad as I think. I just don't think I can put off thinking about this bill until later, because I don't know what our student loan bills and mortgage are going to look like, so my whole budget is up in the air right when I look toward September/October/November.

So, $1350 it is, with the possibility of surpassing that by quite a bit if things work out.

Reached August goal!

August 14th, 2008 at 01:15 pm

Enough about raising money just to spend it for a moment. My personal loan payment hit, with $452 going to principal.

So I've paid $3587 in August, surpassing my goal of $3500! My goal debt balance was $421,204; instead, we're at $421,117.

And, in even bigger news, I now have $49,849 to go on my Big-Picture Goal. Yes, our credit card and personal debt is now under $50,000!!!!

Even as I celebrate, I realize that's a terrible amount for three people to have. But it's sooo much better than where we were in January.

Time to update my sidebar and set my very boring September goal now... Smile

eBay auctions finally over; weekend & vacay plans

August 13th, 2008 at 11:22 pm

Some items did great, especially my antique book for about $35. Some did kind of cruddily, such as my trio of 80s books for $.99. LOL. Overall I made about $57 on five items, so not too bad. Hopefully eBay and PayPal (aka eBay) won't take too big a chunk.

Tonight we do final pricing, bagging, boxing and disassembly of garage-sale items. We also figure out what time I can have the friends' car.

Tomorrow interested party arrives at noon (hope she's prompt!) to look at (and hopefully take) loveseat. Get friends' car somehow, sometime, and load their stuff and mine in. Take over and drop off at other friends' house. Try and keep trips to a minimum. Track mileage so I can pay for gas. Maybe pick up some cheap furniture I saw at the Office Depot. Drop friends' car back off. Make baked goods to sell at sale, and plan lunches to take to sale.

Friday: get up super-early to help out at garage sale. All-day thing.

Saturday: Sleep in! Head over to help with close of garage sale. Divvy up money.

Sunday: Relax. Clean dusty condo. Go to Mall of America for new bookcases? Go have celebratory drinks!

Since we've been doing so great in the pre-sale of items, I went ahead and booked our hotels and car for the fall vacation. I think it's going to be a great trip, with lots of different scenery from rural West Virginia to trendy Dupont Circle in DC. If we do really really well at the sale, we might even have enough money to enjoy some spa treatments in Chesapeake Beach, Maryland!

Once the garage sale and redecoration madness is over, I'm going to have so much fun mapping out all our routes for the fall vacation. Yes, I'm that dorky.

Pre-garage sale cont'd. + "found" $0.40 (a small rant)

August 12th, 2008 at 04:43 pm

Sold a few more books on The one we're mailing off today went for $24.99! It's a slim paperback book, a textbook. AS can't remember how much she paid for it, but she swears it was less. She was good at scoping out relative bargains for her textbooks. Hopefully she can help NT do the same when he starts school this fall!

I've got between 11.5 and 12.5 hours left on my eBay items. There have been some more bids and a few more people are watching, so I'm hopeful! One set of two books is up to $10.50. I imagine they're worth more than that but I didn't know to include the author's name in the title, so I'm lucky people have found it. Plus, I don't mind that selling price at all! Another book is going for $1.25, and another for $0.99 (that one's an antique so I hope it does a bit better), and my antique iron is at $2.25. My last lot, a trio of books, has 5 people watching it but no bids, so I have no idea how that's going to pan out.

I listed a cute little sleigh-bench style loveseat on Craigslist and have someone coming over Thursday to look at it. It's gorgeous but its white upholstery has become a bit dingy and stained over time. I tried cleaning it but I just made whiter spots in the dinge. So I'm asking $60 and will take less, because whoever gets it will want either a professional cleaning or new upholstery.

Oh, and the 40 cents in my title? I "found" it on the breakroom table at work this morning. It was a pile of pennies, left where people usually leave extra food, items or coupons they don't want, etc. They also leave stuff there while they go to the bathroom, so I passed it by the first few times I went to the breakroom. Then I noticed there was also a stray staple and random washer in the pile, and that the pennies were a bit dusty. That's when I figured out someone had been cleaning out their desk and that was one of the items they had no use for! Apparently no one else did either, because stuff on the giveaway table goes pretty quickly if it's desirable. Um, OK dumbasses. I scooped the pennies into my pocket and counted them at my desk. 40 cents. How dumb can people get? Well, that castoff money will help us afford a nice hotel for one night in DC this fall. And apparently no one will miss it.

Pre-garage sale profits

August 10th, 2008 at 05:39 pm

We finally sold our futon, for $80. I'm glad we listed it at $100 as it was probably inevitable that we'd get bargained down. $75 was my initial thought, so we did all right. Smile

We also took six big bags of books to a used-book store and a bag of CDs to a used-CD store. We made $118 on over half the books and $45 on all the CDs. Then we took the remaining books to another store down the street. They took a handful for another $18. We brought the rest back, about two big bags full, and tagged them for the garage sale.

So all told, we made $261 to put toward our fall trip to the East Coast. By my calculations we only have to make about $250 more; the rest will come from regular scheduled deposits into savings. I think we'll easily make that much at the garage sale, and anything else will go toward home improvement. We're rearranging some of our rooms and hope to get some cheap bookcases and other pieces at Ikea with the profits.

Some more people are watching my eBay sales: yes, despite all your admonitions to try and stop obsessing, I keep checking them a few times a day. Sorry! Smile But so far no more bids.

We did make a few more book sales on, including one for $8.99! I don't total those till the direct deposits come through, because with shipping and reimbursement, commission and Paypal fees, it's too confusing. But I think we've got about another $25 coming to us from there, and 25 books still listed that I hope will pull in some money.

Oh, and someone commented on our last post suggesting we check the battery on our smoke alarm. Well, the handyman came and tested our wired smoke alarm and found it worked fine. Then he noticed our battery-powered one down the hall, which we hadn't checked, and indeed all the beeping had been because of its low battery. We don't know how much the bill will be for wasting the handyman's time, but it will probably be $35. We feel like quite the fools. Smile


August 8th, 2008 at 06:40 pm

I feel wiped out by this week. I'm so glad it's almost over!

Highlights and low points:

Monday I got the news that I need some dental surgery; now I wish the appointment would just come, because I can't help imagining that my mouth is deteriorating even more in the meantime. But it's scheduled for Sept. 3, so I just have to be patient. I'm not even that worried about how much it will cost; I mostly just want to feel like I have a healthy mouth again! (I may be singing a different tune when I see the bill, but we'll see.)

I got a bunch of books listed on, and I've sold 4 out of 31! We're averaging a profit of about $6 per book so far, so I'm happy.

I listed five items on eBay, which I don't use very often, and I've gotten absolutely obsessed with it, checking every few hours to see if there's been any new interest. I can't tell how they're going to do, because I listed them all at 99 cents, and so far three of them have 99-cent bids. But there are at least two people watching most of the items, so I hope they'll go up. It's an interesting mix of items: a 1946 General Mills iron still in its cute retro packaging, an antique book (possibly from the 1890s) about a female Civil War soldier, a 1961 book on decorating for teenagers, and two collections of classic erotica books (one set from the 60s and one from the 80s). I think they're all good items but I'm not really sure how much they'll go for. Oh well, at least they'll all get good homes, and if people get huge bargains on them it will be so exciting for them. Smile I've learned from one of my favorite shows, Cash in the Attic on BBC, that you have to be willing to let things go at any cost if you're going to put them in an auction.

This weekend a friend is driving me to some used bookstores to try and sell as many books as possible before the garage sale. Whatever they turn down is going into the sale. We already have hundreds of books earmarked for that, so it's going to be quite a job hauling it all over to the sale!

NT got a $100 bill last night because they had to cancel a work gathering, and the founder wanted them to celebrate with their family instead. So we ordered our favorite gourmet pizza, had it delivered, and each got big, elaborate ones that would give us enough for lunch today as well. It came to $60, we gave the driver $10, and NT gave me the other $30 to put in our travel fund. Hooray! I wish it were lunchtime right this second so I could eat my leftovers. Smile

I got to check over the above friend's budget (he's trying to track finances and get out of debt for the first time), and I helped him cut a few costs. It was very exciting because no one in the real world has ever asked for my help before. And now I have someone in the real world who will geek out about budgeting with me. Smile

One of NT's UK pensions has lost about $1600 over the past year, so that will affect our next net worth update. But it shouldn't take us backward thanks to our huge credit card payment last week.

AS listed the futon at her college, and we've gotten two calls so far. Hope to close the deal for at least $85, today if possible. Smile

I have bills stacking up in my purse, which is unusual for me. Nonurgent stuff like medical copays, dentist bills and student loan interest payments on deferred loans. I'm planning on using my September extra debt-repay to wipe all these out, but some of that money will actually be available with our Aug. 15 paychecks, so if I get a chance I will set those payments up today. It's been busy at work, and I've been writing this post in between jobs, but now it seems to be slowing down.

I still haven't finished up the UK taxes! It's OK if it waits till after the garage sale and all these other sales, but I want to get it off my plate soon...

Oh yeah, and our smoke alarm has been chirping angrily every few minutes for a couple days now. We're finally getting the handyman to come look at it, so that'll be another expense. If we don't use all our September extra money for the above-mentioned expenses, I'll save the rest to cover repairs.

Phew! No wonder I feel wiped out this week. Except for pricing some more garage-sale items, the bookstore jaunt and some grocery shopping, I'd like this to be a fairly quiet and relaxing weekend.


August 6th, 2008 at 03:18 pm

Hooray! The payment I've been whining about for the past week has finally hit! $2131 went to principal on the UK card, nearly a third of the balance gone. Now I'm going to leave that low-interest puppy alone, to die a slow death on minimum payments while I focus on my higher-interest U.S. debt.

So that makes $3135 down, just $365 to go on my August goal!

And $50,301 to go on my Big-Picture Goal! I'm so close to being under $50K--in about two weeks I'll be there.

I'll have to post a new snapshot of my debt spreadsheet when that happens. Smile

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