I like seeing how my spending breaks down, but I don't always feel the same way about what bills go to which categories. The four main categories I use are:
Household/grocery expenses
Debt repay
Most things are no-brainers (mortgage and condo fees go in Mortgage/utilities, credit cards and student loans go in Debt repay, Netflix and travel savings go in Spending/entertainment, medical and education go in Household/grocery), but others I'm unsure about:
- Is the cellphone package a utility or a household expense? It's our only phone service.
- Is the barber a household or a spending/entertainment expense? Looking groomed is sort of a work necessity, but then so are work clothes and we pay for those out of spending money or windfall money.
- Cable/Internet package: entertainment or household? We use the Internet for a lot of practical household things, but obviously entertainment is a large part of it, and cable is all entertainment.
Where do you think I should put these items? Or do you have a completely different way of breaking things down?
How do you categorize your bills?
August 28th, 2008 at 06:08 pm
August 28th, 2008 at 06:17 pm 1219943867
August 28th, 2008 at 06:51 pm 1219945916
I keep my cellphone bill and house utilities separate. To me, it's not a part of the house. In fact, it's something that I actually don't need, but is close to a need because it's so darn useful. So, it's lumped with the internet. Sort of like, naming it "house add-ons".
I'm a guy who gets a haircut only once in a blue moon so... I can't help you there. I typically just suck it up from the excess (because I slightly under-budget from my actual take home). Perhaps you may want a "work expense" category and put it in there?
Basically, just however it makes the most intuitive sense to you is how I would set up the categories.