Home > Mortgage payments for the next year

Mortgage payments for the next year

August 30th, 2008 at 02:14 am

We finally found out the details of our mortgage adjustment. On Nov. 1, the monthly payment will be going up $79.97. Then it will adjust every year after that.

Considering we can't do a damn thing about refinancing as long as we owe about what it's worth, $80 is a relief. We can definitely work that into our budget. And the interest rate is only going up to 5.99%, so that's still a good rate for the time being.

If it looks like we aren't going to have enough equity to refi by October 2009, we can start pouring extra money toward equity instead of other debt. I just hope house values start to rebound a bit by then to make it easier. Smile

4 Responses to “Mortgage payments for the next year”

  1. Amber Says:

    Sorry to hear it's going up but glad you can work it into your budget

  2. mom-sense Says:

    Sorry to hear that it is going up, glad to hear that it is a do-able amount. My best friend is in a condo and is now upside down on her loan (took out the minimal equity she had to put in upgrades). It sounds as though you aren't upside down ~ that is a good thing!

  3. fern Says:

    Refis don't always make sense. They can be very expensive with all the closing costs. I ruled one out in the spring when i realized how much it would be and i just decided to keep aggressively prepaying my current mortgage (6%) so i'll accomplish the same thing....meaning, saving thousands in interest payments, without the added cost of the refi.

    From what i've read, we won't see the bottom of the real estate market til 2nd quarter of 2009. That's becus there are still many no money down or ARM mortgages that haven't reset yet, and once they do, more people will find they can't keep up with the higher payments and they'll be more foreclosures, which will just make the whole real estate market depressed for a longer period.

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    That may end up happening for us too, fern...Since one of my credit cards is fixed at 3.9% and another even lower, and my mortgage is now variable, I can see us focusing on repaying the mortgage and letting those cards pay off at their own pace. But first, we do have one more higher-interest debt to pay off, so we'll see what we feel like doing after that. Smile

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