Home > Progress on debt repay

Progress on debt repay

March 29th, 2010 at 05:22 pm

Crap, lost a big long entry. Oh well, it was mostly whining about my slow recovery, which no one needs to hear. All I really meant to write about was progress on my debt payment: $121 went to one of AS's student loans, making it $1022 down, $108 to go on the March debt repayment goal.

Also deciding what to do with a $1325 freelance check AS got in the mail...I probably will put part toward the Va. trip, part to baby and health expenses, and some to the last credit card. But I haven't decided how much money to apply to each yet.

Update: recent photo of AA...

4 Responses to “Progress on debt repay”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    3 weeks in? Give it time.

    I once heard it takes like a decade or something to recover from the hormones of pregnancy. I believe it! & then there is the whole lack of sleep thing. It will get better/you will get used to it. & if you are stressing about returning to work, it is good to have a plan B, don't get me wrong. But I assure you that it is far too early to judge. The first few weeks with a first baby? The most joyous and difficult at the same time.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    You know how the abdominals kind of split at the midline? It took 3 _years_ for those to go back to normal. It kind of creeps me out to think about that. Geeze, and that was without a c-section. Don't forget you have some major healing going on.

  3. Homebody Says:

    I agree with the above. Take it easy and do not rush yourself. Kiss that sweet baby for me.... I am having severe granddaughter withdrawal and am planning a trip soon!

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    Thanks guys. I know I should be patient with myself; it just gets frustrating. It's also scary when I feel better one day and forget to take it as easy, and then the next day I can really feel the strain and have to go extra slow. Feels like I'm not making any progress. But, I need less painkillers than I did at first, so I know I am recovering, just not quickly enough for my taste. Smile At first I was excited how quickly my belly shrunk, but it seems to have stalled and now I have this pooch in front that I can't wait to start working on. And I want to be able to go out more often; the weather is just starting to turn nice here in MN.

    See, there I go whining. I'll attach a photo of AA to make up for it. Smile

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