Viewing the 'Uncategorized' Category
February 26th, 2009 at 05:49 pm
I cracked and sent an extra payment to my personal loan to make sure I hit my February goal. $106 went to principal. I took it out of money I would be putting into my emergency fund, but they're both good causes.
Speaking of EF, I was looking at my spreadsheets and getting all excited that I'd have about $1500 for the EF in April. Then I suddenly remembered we'd have to pay something for NT's adjustment of status for his U.S. residency in late March/early April. Went to the USCIS (formerly INS) site to check the fee amounts. Grand total: $545. Yikes! Love is expensive. But at least it's coming at a time when I had extra money anyway, and I'll still get to put about $1000 to Ef in April.
Anyway, back to my February goals. $2,001 down, $99 to go on the debt repayment. Student loan should hit tomorrow and finish this goal off.
I missed one more day of fruit since last time I wrote, but I've worked out three days in a row. So it's 9 workouts done, 3 more to go to hit my goal. We'll see; Saturday is going to be a very full day but I'll try to fit one in. Friday there's a party so I don't know if I'll have time. Tonight I should be able to get one in.
On the replacing products with green ones: We found a loofa. Too bad it came with another plastic shower scrunchie. Oh well, we'll use that up and next time we need a loofah, we'll hold out till we find one that comes on its own.
Several more food items and eyeglasses collected for March donation!
Posted in
February 23rd, 2009 at 11:21 pm
The stimulus will help us financially in several ways:
- $25 more per week in unemployment benefits for AS, probably starting in late March.
- $30 per month extra in NT's paycheck and $30 per month extra in my paycheck, beginning maybe in June.
- A $2500 tax credit instead of $1800 for NT's Hope credit, about $60 per month. We'll see this benefit in our tax refund for 2009, since I can't figure out a way to just decrease my withholding $60 per month. Also, I think I read that he'll be able to take Hope credit beyond just the first two years of college.
- First $2400 of AS's unemployment pay won't be taxed. Not sure how much this will pan out for us dollarwise, but it will make her refund bigger next year.
Edit: Here's the wording: "The new law also makes up to $2,400 of unemployment benefits tax-free. If you received jobless pay in 2008, however, the full amount is still taxable on your 2008 return. The new break applies only to benefits received in 2009."
SOURCE: Text is Kiplinger's and Link is http://www.kiplinger.com/features/archives/2009/02/how-to-get-stimulus-money2.html?kipad_id=2 Kiplinger's.
- AS unemployment benefits extended. She could basically stay on unemployment through the year if needed. I hope it doesn't come to that, but jobs in her desired field are virtually nonexistent right now, and she's thinking she might try to start or work for a sewing business in the meantime. She talked to unemployment and knows how to do this while still having benefits during slow times, so this may be a good fix to bide her time waiting for an ad job (or it could be a start in a whole new direction; who knows?)
We are probably going to spend AS's increased benefits on some kind of car-sharing or car-rental deal. The other parts of the stimulus I will put toward the emergency fund.
Have you figured out how the stimulus will affect your income? If not, Kiplinger's has some articles that lay it out very clearly and specifically.
Posted in
February 23rd, 2009 at 04:33 pm
An extra payment to NT's UK credit card hit: $603 toward principal! He now has just $600 in CC debt to his name, and I should be able to pay that off by late March. I'm so excited that two out of the three of us will soon be free of credit card debt! And I will finally be able to add to the Old Debt Graveyard, which hasn't had any new residents in ages.
$1895 down, $205 to go on the debt repayment goal.
Oh, and I completed my weaving project! The fabric turned out much smaller than I intended it, so I'm not sure what I'll be able to use it for. But at least I did something sort of creative this month!
I haven't missed any more days of eating fruit, and I will be searching for a loofah at lunch today (thanks cptacek for the suggestion!). Also, we collected two more items for the food drive. (I've been buying one item each time I'm at a grocery store, so it doesn't seem a financial burden but I will have accumulated quite a little pile by the deadline.)
Posted in
February 20th, 2009 at 04:01 pm
Day before yesterday I missed another day of fruit, but yesterday I had some, and I brought a banana to work so I wouldn't forget today. So far I've remembered 12 days and forgotten 7. At least I'm having fruit more than half the time! It's not stubbornness, just forgetfulness, that's keeping me from meeting this goal.
I worked out on the Wii yesterday, so I'm halfway to my workout goal. I won't be working out tonight because I'm going straight to happy hour after work, so that means I'll have eight days to do six workouts. Oh well, nothing says I can't go twice on weekend days. I'll make it!
I finally started one of my crafts challenges: I'm weaving a piece of woolen fabric on a cardboard loom. I will probably sew it into a sunglasses case and see if it fits AS's sunglasses, but right now my goal is just finishing the weaving. I got about halfway in just a few hours last night, so shouldn't be a problem. I hope to plant my basil and cilantro seeds on Sunday.
Our homemade dish detergent isn't working out; it leaves a film on plastic stuff and doesn't clean as well as Cascade. We're going to try a greener storebought powder and see if that does the trick. Now we have a bunch of borax and washing soda to use up; but I think it's good for lots of other cleaning things as well. I got a bar soap instead of bodywash (thanks...Analise, I think? for the idea) and a greener brand of shampoo. The next thing to replace will be our plastic shower scrunchie. I love those things, but I've got to find a greener alternative.
Now, car-sharing. I've recently been feeling guilty that NT has barely seen any of Minnesota because of not having a car. Buying a car doesn't make sense because we don't need one; and we'd immediately lose $75 per month that we get renting out our garage space. So I'm looking into these carshare options. If I can't find a workable carshare solution, I'll probably just set aside money for us to rent a car one or two days per month, so we can go on some day trips, explore St. Paul and other places, try some restaurants that are out of our way.
One of the carshares is super-convenient, with drop-off spots in walking distance from our condo. Another one is cheaper, but we'd have to take a bus about 30 minutes to get to the drop-off. Then there's Enterprise, which has a location about 10 minutes busride/30 minutes walk from our place. The carshare places would allow us to take a car and pay by the hour, which means we could have several shorter trips. A rental car we wouldn't have to worry about time, but we could probably only afford one or two times a month.
So I'm still working out all the possibilities. We wouldn't do this until AS starts getting the extra unemployment money from the stimulus plan ($25 extra per week), which should start happening in late March or early April.
Posted in
February 18th, 2009 at 06:10 pm
Well, I determined $1100 of tax refund money could go into the baby/emergency fund, plus $.28 of savings interest, so that means I exceeded my February goal of putting $168 into the EF! I might even put more savings in by the end of the month, but I'm waiting to see if I need to put it toward debt to reach that goal instead.
I also managed to put an extra $63 into the vacation fund for another day of car rental, and $550 away for home improvement (we'd originally saved that up to buy a new couch, but now it sounds like AS's mom will help us get fabric and spruce up our old one, so we may use this money to get material for curtains and maybe still have some left over for any unexpected repairs that come up!)
Posted in
February 18th, 2009 at 04:13 pm
My personal loan payment hit: $717 went to principal. I used about $200 of our tax refund money to pay a little extra because I was afraid I wouldn't hit my goal.
$1292 down, $808 to go on my February goal. I'm still going to be cutting it really close on my goal; I may have to figure out another extra payment to put somewhere. I mean, I have over $1000 of my federal refund going into our EF, so it wouldn't hurt to put a little more of that toward debt repayment. Better, psychologically, than missing my first debt-repay goal!
Speaking of missing goals, I'm doing terribly on eating fresh fruit every day; yesterday was the 6th day I've forgotten! And my crafts goals I haven't even started yet. But the month's only two-thirds over, so there's a chance I'll get to them. At least I worked out again last night, bringing my total to 5. Now I need 7 workouts in the next 11 days (gulp) to reach that goal. Sigh...
Back to debt repayment, to cheer myself up: I'm now $309 away from having my own credit card debt under $25K! You know those commercials that say "Do you have $5000, $10000, even $25000 in credit card debt?" Well, I always yell "shut up!" at the screen, because I've had more than that for years. But now, subtracting the loan from my dad, and NT's credit card, I have just $25,308 in credit card debt. So close to being slightly under the number that announcer uses to terrify people! Woo hoo!
Posted in
February 13th, 2009 at 10:19 pm
We got our paychecks a couple days early (probably because of Presidents Day) and AS's federal refund (the big one) today!
NT's paycheck was about $100 more, and my regular paycheck is going to be $18 more than I thought, so that's good news.
I still have to decide where all the money is going to go. I gave us each a $100 spending-money bonus, and I'll be putting the majority into the baby/emergency fund. But I'm also going to pay a bit extra on a loan to make sure I hit my Feb. debt goal, and I think I'm going to use some money to switch us to prepaid cell phones. The plans I want require an initial outlay of about $250, but after that we should save an average $30 to $40 per month over our current plan!
But I wanted to make sure we had enough in the bday fund because we've started buying presents for March already. So I'm moving $225 into that savings category now.
That means we're at $250 saved, $168 to go to reach our savings goal for the month. We'll easily surpass that once I figure out exactly how much of the tax return is going into savings.
Oh, and I almost missed eating fresh fruit yesterday, but I decided to count the avocado that was in my pasta. It's a fruit, it was not cooked, just warmed up a bit, so I'm saying that's my fresh fruit. Whew! 
I'm behind on posting photos of dinner, but don't worry, I've been keeping up on taking the pics. I just have to get it together enough to download and post them.
Posted in
February 12th, 2009 at 03:46 pm
I worked out on the Wii Fit last night, so that's 3 workouts down, 9 to go for February.
We're running low on toothpaste, so I considered what to do for a greener option. I settled on buying Tom's of Maine, which is more expensive but contains no sweeteners, preservatives, etc., and comes in a 100% recycled box. Sort of greener.
And, $25 went into savings, so I'm putting it toward the b-day fund. (Birthdays are coming up in March!) So it's $25 saved, $393 still needs to be saved in February. Overall, $375 down, $225 to go for birthdays. Since two of the b-days are March 2 and 4, we may need to float ourselves some of the money from other places, unless the first federal return comes in soon, and then there's nothing to worry about! I misjudged b-day saving a tiny bit this year (just $25), but I've learned my lesson for next year.
Posted in
February 10th, 2009 at 11:06 pm
I worked out on Wii Fit last night (the hard stuff--all the strength-training exercises!), so that's 2 down, 10 to go for February.
However, I forgot to eat fresh fruit, so that's 2 days missed. :-(
Posted in
February 9th, 2009 at 06:47 pm
I finally worked out on the Wii last night, so 1 down, 11 to go. I'm going to have to step up my efforts! At least I haven't missed any days of fruit since the first one.
As for the green goal, I'm running really low on moisturizing body wash. I looked up and found an easy recipe for it, but it involves buying clear, scent-free shampoo. This would still involve buying a new container each time, I think, unless I can find a bulk-size shampoo. Still thinking about what I should do.
We're also running low on dishwasher detergent, and we got a big box of washing soda (and already have a big box of borax) so we're prepared for that.
We refilled a bottle of veg. oil from a bulk container at our co-op, but unfortunately it was much more expensive than buying a new one at the supermarket, so we're not sure if we'll continue doing that.
We have refilled our dish soap from the bulk section, and we get honey, molasses and some other things in bulk as well, reusing our containers again and again.
I haven't done a ton of research into philanthropic opportunities, but a couple things have fallen into my lap. First, some people are still bringing eyeglasses, so I'll drop them off next time I go to the mall. And my company is having a food drive in March, so we're going to pick up one extra item each time we shop, and have a collection of stuff to donate.
The savings goal should be easily surpassed once we get AS's federal return.
The crafts goal is the only one I've completely neglected so far. But I think I will get to it before the month is over.
Posted in
February 4th, 2009 at 10:55 pm
I stayed up kind of late last night and finished off our taxes. I hadn't been able to take more than cursory glances at them since I got the last of the paperwork, and every time I did I got a wildly different estimate. So sitting down and reading through everything, double-checking numbers and all, I was pleasantly surprised that instead of owing about $300 (the worst of my rough estimates), we will be getting just over $2000 back.
What did I do wrong the other time I estimated? Forgot about the MN marriage credit, didn't factor in the portion of AS's education that was taxed as income (and therefore could get us a tax break), underestimated taxes NT and I paid in '08 (I only counted withholdings and forgot to add what we owed last year), and forgot to carry the 1 in one of my scribbled equations, a $1000 error. 
$2000 seems like a reasonable cushion for three people, especially since I did owe something to MN, so I don't think I'll change my withholdings (unless there's a way to increase MN withholding only). I don't mind owing taxes but I hate the possibility of penalties if you owe too much, so I'd rather play it safe.
Still trying to decide what to do with the money. We've been saving for a couch, so I may use about $250 to pay for that, and I think a small cash bonus of spending money would be much appreciated by the family. We've decided we want to do two days of outside-of-Vegas sightseeing rather than one, so I'll put about $60 in to cover an additional day of car rental, insurance and gas. I think those are the only things we want that we haven't already paid for, so the rest will probably go to the baby/emergency fund.
Posted in
February 3rd, 2009 at 08:11 pm
The U.S. mortgage payment hit today, with $273 going toward principal. The principal balance hit an even dollar amount: $178,534.00. Too bad the condo is valued at $160,000-$165,000. If mortgage rates hit 4% I would LOVE to take advantage, but I just don't see any way. Maybe at least my ARM will adjust downward or stay about the same this fall...
Anyway, $575 down, $1525 to go on the February debt-repayment goal.
And on the health/fitness front, I totally forgot to eat a piece of fruit yesterday! I've already failed on my goal. Oh well, I will still go for 27 days of eating fresh fruit.
In my defense, I've been sick since Sunday with another yucky UTI and am just starting to feel better. I scheduled an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow, because this is just not cool. Hopefully she'll be able to find the root of the problem.
Posted in
February 2nd, 2009 at 06:40 pm
This is for whitestripe. This recipe is from the cookbook "Vegan Vittles" by Joanne Stepaniak. If it's still available, I highly recommend it. It's full of really good comfort-food recipes.
1 lb. firm tofu, rinsed, drained and pressed.
2/3 cup or so of flour
veg. oil for frying
1.5 cups nutritional yeast flakes
2 tsp salt
1 tsp garlic granules
1 tsp onion granules
1 tsp parsley flakes
1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp dried tarragon
1/2 tsp dried dill weed
1/2 tsp dried basil leaves
1/2 tsp dried oregano leaves
1/2 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp ground rosemary
1/4 tsp ground celery seed
2/3 cup nondairy milk
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
Cut the tofu and press the pieces between cloth or paper towels. If deep-frying, you can cut into any shape you want. If pan-frying, I recommend thinner slabs (1/3 inch or so).
Put all the seasoning mix ingredients into a shallow bowl and mix thoroughly.
Put the soymilk and lemon juice in a shallow bowl and stir. The milk will get slightly thicker as it curdles.
Put the flour in another shallow bowl.
Working with one piece of tofu at a time, dredge the tofu in flour and shake off any excess. Next, dip the tofu in the "buttermilk," submerging completely for a second. Immediately dredge the tofu in the seasoning mix, making sure it's well-coated all over. (If you touch it and it feels wet, press both sides into the seasoning again.)
You can start pan-frying them as soon as they're seasoned, or you can coat them all first. If, when you're done, some of the first ones seem too moist, just give them another dip in the seasoning mix.
Pan fry in oil over medium-high heat, flipping occasionally, or fry in deep-fryer, until golden-brown. Set on paper towels to get rid of excess oil, if desired.
Save the leftover seasoning mix in an airtight container. It will keep for several months at room temp or in the fridge. You can use it to make more tofu or you can coat slices of zucchini (courgettes) or tomatoes and pan-fry those.
Posted in
February 2nd, 2009 at 06:23 pm
Phew, I had to get my goals posted so I could report some progress on one of them!
The three UK mortgage payments hit, with US$302 going to principal. $1,798 to go on my February goal.
Posted in
February 2nd, 2009 at 06:10 pm
1. DEBT. Pay off at least $2,100
Balance as of 1/31: $405,121
Goal balance: $403,021
2. SAVINGS. Save at least $418: $168 for the baby/emergency fund, $250 for the birthdays fund.
EF balance: $1233.18; Goal balance: 1401.18
BD balance: $350; Goal balance: $600
3. HEALTH/FITNESS. Work out at least 12 times; eat fresh fruit every day.
4. GREEN. Some cleaning and personal care products are running low; as they do, replace them with more eco-friendly alternatives.
5. CRAFTS/CREATIVITY. Complete weaving project on a cardboard loom (project I found online); plant some cilantro and basil indoors.
6. PHILANTHROPY. Research good fits for me. I know this seems like a cop-out, but I haven't seen any opportunities that fit my lifestyle (carless, in MN in the winter) and temperament (not super-social) recently, and I think they're out there. I need to really look around at what's out there and figure out what skills I have and where they'd be best suited.
Posted in
February 1st, 2009 at 06:32 am
I dropped off the glasses we collected (31 pairs) at Lens Crafters on Friday, so that means I accomplished all my January goals. In fact, my debt-payoff amount was a new monthly record for me!
Here's a summary of the goals and results:
1. Goal: Pay off $1,500 of debt
Results: $4744 paid
Goal balance: $408,365
Ending balance: $405,121
2. Goal: Save at least $1,550:
$1,200 for baby/emergency fund
$350 for birthdays fund
Results: $1,550 saved
3. Goal: Work out at least 10 times.
Results: 11
4. Goal: Catch up on washing/reusing produce bags.
Results: Done.
5. Goal: Mend rug.
Results: Done.
6. Goal: Collect eyeglasses and donate.
Results: 31 pairs donated.
I'm still trying to come up with a philanthropic goal for February, but I should have my goals settled and posted tomorrow. Oh, and I haven't forgotten about 365 Days of Dinner; I've been taking photos, but I've been so wrapped up in posting about other things that I haven't posted the pics. I will take care of that at some point.
Posted in
January 30th, 2009 at 03:12 pm
I checked this morning and it had gone through. US$3000 straight to principal! That feels really good. I was feeling frustrated about not paying any extra money to debt, and the universe provided. Thanks universe!
Not quite as big a piece of news, but I worked on the Wii Fit again, so that's my 11th workout this month. I'm not losing any weight, but I'm getting some exercise and definitely improving my balance and coordination, so I'm happy.
Posted in
January 29th, 2009 at 09:39 pm
$50 went into savings for the birthdays fund, so I've reached my January goal of saving $1550: $1200 for the baby/emergency fund and $350 for birthdays. Yay!
My only goal left is to donate eyeglasses, and I've got a bunch collected that I'm going to take to the drop-off site tomorrow evening.
I'll post a roundup of all my January goals and results on Saturday, and post my February goals soon after.
Posted in
January 29th, 2009 at 06:37 pm
My CC payment and one of AS's student loan payments hit. $221 and $50 to principal, respectively. This means I met and exceeded the January goal to pay off $1,500 of debt. To date I've paid $1,744, and that's without the ginormous CC payment that I hope hits tomorrow!
Posted in
January 28th, 2009 at 06:18 pm
So yesterday as I was grumbling about the dwindling principal payments on NT's credit card, I got to wondering how much we still had to pay for his flat, and when it was due. He e-mailed his management company and they wrote back that all the foreseeable extra fees have already been paid. One of the bigger expenses they thought was coming has been put on hold indefinitely.
This meant that we had 1500 pounds sitting in the UK checking account, not earmarked for anything in the near future. I promptly sent a payment in that amount to his UK credit card. It should come through in the next few days. It will wipe out three-quarters of his credit card debt and mark a huge step forward for the Big-Picture Goal, which has been languishing a bit since AS's layoff was announced. I'm very, very excited.
Of course, 750 of that amount is from NT's gran, and we resolved to put it toward the baby fund. But once this credit card is out of the way, there will be a 270-pound surplus nearly every month from his rental income, so we can build up that amount in just a few months, and switch it into his savings account where it will sit and earn interest and be ready for when we have a child!
I asked NT when he was last CC-debt-free, and he reckoned it was 1995. I'm going to try and get him that way again by March...
Posted in
January 28th, 2009 at 03:08 pm
I've taken to listening to Bing Crosby singing "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?" on the way to work. It's on this great compilation of old music called "The Best of Bob Dylan's Theme Time Radio Hour" that I got for Xmas.
Anyway, the song is so poignant, and it also makes me feel better about the shaky feeling of our country today. The song is about feeling sort of betrayed because the singer did all these things to build America, and now he's standing on a bread line. But despite how wrenching and scary that must have been, the country came back stronger than ever. So even though the song doesn't have a happy ending, the real story got better.
But I'm also always struck when I listen to it because it's mostly about sacrifice and service to the country, not about the things he lost. He talks about building a railroad, building a skyscraper, and fighting in WWI. He talks about how "we were building a dream." I think the "we" would change to "I" in the modern incarnation of this song.
I do hear tragic stories about people who worked hard and got it all taken away this time around too, but more often the story is "I got all this easy credit and this awesome ARM and got to buy a ginormous house and all these cool gadgets and clothes and stuff. And then when I got laid off I tried to live the same lifestyle as before but now my cards and my HELOC are maxed out, but I can't sell my widescreen TV or downsize my home--that would be barbaric."
It's still a tragic story, just a different kind--one of greed, ignorance and false prosperity. There's more culpability this time around, from people, companies and the government. Or maybe I just never heard that part of the Depression story--I'm not sure.
Anyway, I'm not getting on any kind of high horse, because you have only to look at my sidebar to see the part I took in all of this. It's just something that runs through my head some mornings when I'm listening to that song.
Posted in
January 27th, 2009 at 03:53 pm
Finally, some movement on my debt repayment. The UK credit card and one of AS's student loan payments hit: $73 to principal for the CC, $114 for the loan.
Paying the minimums is kind of agonizing after all those months of huge extra debt payments. I'm itching to pay extra on the UK credit card; the payments (and hence the principal paid) keep going down, and it's driving me crazy. We have about 1500 pounds sitting in there that could nearly wipe out that card, but I know we have some expenses coming still for the flat, and I can't remember how much we've already paid and how much is forthcoming. Hmm, now I think I have to do some digging...
On another note, NT's mortgage interest rate has adjusted twice since the last time I checked. His new rate? 2.49%! Holy cow, that's less than half our U.S. mortage interest rate. I know it will go up again once the economy improves, but it certainly is nice for now, lowering payments and increasing the amount to principal a bit.
But anyway, back to my progress on debt repayment. $1473 down, $27 to go on my January goal.
Posted in
January 26th, 2009 at 07:07 pm
This is so funny. And because I only became semifrugal about two years ago, I actually feel like a trendsetter (or at least an early adopter)!
Posted in
January 26th, 2009 at 04:17 pm
I worked out on the Wii Fit Saturday and Sunday, so that means I've done the 10 workouts I was aiming for this month! It doesn't mean I definitely won't work out again, but I can take a break if I feel like it.
My supervisor today told me about Wii Fitness Trainer, a virtual trainer who helps you design a workout based on fitness level and available equipment. I might get that as well, because eventually I'm going to want more variety than Wii Fit offers. It's all about trying to make working out fun (because when it comes down to it, I'm not very entertained by working out, so it's better if I can trick myself into feeling like it's a fun game).
Posted in
January 23rd, 2009 at 11:22 pm
Just a quick post, because I'm about to leave work and go out to happy hour!
Worked out on the Wii Fit yesterday, which makes 8 workouts and only 2 to go to reach my January goal.
And, a funny moment on the way to lunch with my co-workers (free lunch at a semi-fancy place, hooray!): I was talking to three or four of them as we walked along, and spotted a penny on the ground. I bent down without a pause in what I was saying and tried to pick it up. After a second, I realized it was frozen to the ground. After another second, I realized that looked kind of silly and said, "Oh, it's frozen!" and then "Oh sorry about that, it was just habit." I got good-natured laughter so I didn't feel too embarrassed; they don't know about the depth of my frugality obsession, but they do probably think I'm eccentric for other reasons, so it probably didn't surprise them. LOL.
Posted in
January 22nd, 2009 at 10:40 pm
I'm feeling a bit unnerved. I've been reading Kiplinger's (AS & NT got me a subscription for Xmas), and Suze's book, and financial blogs, and all of them are saying not to stop investing, that in fact this is the perfect time to invest if you can afford it. And I'm thinking it's too bad I don't have any money to invest.
Then something struck me today, as I was updating our net worth: I do have my 401(k). And our new provider, Prudential, has this function where you can just plug in your risk level, your age and your retirement age, and they will pick a package that's right for you. I've always gone for moderate, so I'm pretty sure it switched over into a moderate fund. So I went into this "Goalmaker" dealie and said I was "aggressive." So it's going to pick a nice aggressive portfolio for me.
Even at a moderate level it's been posting pretty heavy losses, so it feels weird to get all aggressive. But at the same time, I feel like either things are going to go really well for the volatile stuff, or society as we know it is going to collapse and money won't be any good anyway. So I might as well go aggressive and see if I can eventually benefit from this financial nadir. Buy low, sell high! Or whatever. 
In other news, I read on one of the sites I follow that mortgage rates could go as low as 4.5% or even 4.3% this year, but that they will start to rise soon after. Man, I am wishing like crazy I could come up with a way to refi. Pay down as much as I can rather than saving up an EF? Reassign part of my debt to get enough equity? I don't know. I wrote to my realtor to see if she has any ideas.
OK, I've gone posting-crazy this afternoon but I think this will be my last one of the day!
Posted in
January 21st, 2009 at 05:12 pm
The past couple of days have been pretty great, with only a bad patch here and there. Obama's inauguration was rejuvenating; the sky was slightly light leaving work instead of pitch black; and the weather for nearly a week has been not only in the positive, but in the double digits!
Now the big news: AS is insured!! And she's receiving unemployment pay!!! She called the health insurance company yesterday and they confirmed that she has been insured since Jan. 16. And she was actually approved Jan. 1 (I could get pissed that they didn't tell us, but I'm too happy that she has health coverage again!).
Then this morning, she got a direct deposit for the unemployment she applied for Monday--plus three weeks of retroactive pay! That's more than I'd reckoned on, so it actually gave us a surplus in the budget for the first time in a long time! I put some money away for NT's fall-semester textbooks, put about $200 more toward Vegas (it's going to be an amazing trip!), and let the rest ride--I'll probably put it in the baby/emergency fund in February if we don't need it for anything else.
Speaking of that old thing...we nearly reached our savings goal! I now feel comfortable transferring the money for birthdays and the baby fund into our savings account. So this month we saved $1200 for the baby/emergency fund and $300 for birthday gifts. Right on target! (EDIT: I actually have $50 more to go on the birthday fund, which will hit via automatic payment on the 29th.)
The only cloud, really, was that six people got laid off at NT's job. Not him, thank goodness, but his two best work friends and several other people we really liked. It was quite a shock because they got a big bonus in December and everything seemed pretty stable, but I guess not as much as we thought. We're going to see one of his friends Friday, and hopefully the other one soon.
So now we've all rubbed elbows with the job crisis. I've survived two rounds of cuts at my job, AS actually did get laid off, and now NT's job has had a round of layoffs. It's pretty amazing.
Still, I'm thrilled to have gotten so close to reaching my goals, and I'm confident I'll reach them by the end of the month!
Posted in
January 20th, 2009 at 12:46 am
Worked out again, making that 7 workouts down and 3 to go for the month.
And I finished mending the rag rug! It's in the dryer and that makes me happy--one of my motivations for mending it was to get it sturdy enough to be washed.
AS found some more information on her unemployment--the Web site now says she's been approved for $323, which is kind of confusing because she should have at least two or three weeks' worth and that's just one week. But at least it says she's going to be paid, so hopefully it will hit this week. If it's not for the full amount she's applied for so far, we should be able to argue that because they said it would be retroactive as long as she reapplied every week.
And we also think she may have been approved for health insurance! We haven't heard anything and they don't have any way to check progress on their Web site, but they cashed my check for the first month's premium. We assume they wouldn't have done that if it weren't final, but we're not going to stop holding our breath until AS calls them tomorrow to make sure.
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January 19th, 2009 at 01:00 am
I finally got around to working on the rug I wanted to mend for my crafts challenge. It's a rag rug AS made out of T-shirt scraps, and several of the seams holding the rings together have gradually loosened.
It wasn't too bad, even for a completely unpracticed seamstress (I probably haven't sewed in over 10 years). A perfect project for my rudimentary skills. I got a little more than halfway done, and I'll probably finish it tomorrow.
I also worked out on the Wii Fit today, so that's 6 workouts I've done, 4 to go to reach my January goal.
I've been keeping up on washing the produce and Ziploc bags, so that's still going well.
So far, these monthly goals are really keeping me motivated!
Posted in
January 17th, 2009 at 03:50 pm
It's been a while!
My personal loan payment hit, and $507 went to principal. $1286 paid, $214 to go on my January debt-paying goal. I've got another credit card payment and three student loan payments still to come, so I should just make it.
AS heard from unemployment that there's nothing holding it up but the press of applicants, so they hope to finish processing hers and get her all the pay she's requested so far by early next week. I hope so, because then I can complete our savings goals!
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