Home > Exercise, green and savings progress

Exercise, green and savings progress

February 12th, 2009 at 03:46 pm

I worked out on the Wii Fit last night, so that's 3 workouts down, 9 to go for February.

We're running low on toothpaste, so I considered what to do for a greener option. I settled on buying Tom's of Maine, which is more expensive but contains no sweeteners, preservatives, etc., and comes in a 100% recycled box. Sort of greener.

And, $25 went into savings, so I'm putting it toward the b-day fund. (Birthdays are coming up in March!) So it's $25 saved, $393 still needs to be saved in February. Overall, $375 down, $225 to go for birthdays. Since two of the b-days are March 2 and 4, we may need to float ourselves some of the money from other places, unless the first federal return comes in soon, and then there's nothing to worry about! I misjudged b-day saving a tiny bit this year (just $25), but I've learned my lesson for next year.

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