Home > Got an offer!!!!!

Got an offer!!!!!

March 3rd, 2015 at 06:26 pm


So yesterday was my birthday. Sunday I got an email from my agent that a new buyer was interested in the condo and would be submitting an offer on Monday.

Monday I had the day off except one client meeting. I was at the meeting when I felt my phone buzz, so I was desperate for the meeting to end. Finally it did and I called my agent. The offer had come in: $126K, plus we pay half of closing costs, plus we make two small electrical repairs.

We're currently listed at $135K and places have been going for around that, so it was a disappointing offer. Our agent said she'd be meeting another of the interested parties the following morning (today) to get another offer, so we decided to wait and see what that offer amounted to.

Well, that buyer flaked, so we decided to counter the first one. We offered $134K and all the same terms.

The buyer countered back with ... $133K and all the same terms!

AS and I have the day off and were hanging out at a coffee shop, so our agent stopped by and we signed everything.

Since it's a condo, they have 10 days to review association rules etc. and back out if they want. So I guess we'll know for sure next Friday if it's going through.


27 Responses to “Got an offer!!!!!”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    Congratulations! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Smile

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    Oh, how exciting! Fingers crossed for you!

    And happy belated birthday. Smile

  3. DecisiveParadox Says:

    Fingers crossed it goes smoothly.

  4. Another Reader Says:

    Even though this will cost you money now, it frees you up to go forward. Fingers crossed the deal goes through and with no hiccups.

  5. CB in the City Says:

    Great! Hope it goes through!

  6. creditcardfree Says:

    Happy Birthday and Happy Offer Day!!! It is always exciting to get that offer. People like to negotiate, so they just use those lower numbers to see if you will come down. Do you know what 'half' of closing costs are? Around here amounts are usually specified.

  7. ceejay74 Says:

    Yep, it's 3% of purchase price, so $3990.

  8. chloe Says:

    Woohoo! Hope everything goes through Smile

  9. Petunia in a Flower Garden Says:

    Fabulous news!

  10. Buendia Says:

    That's so great!!! Fingers crossed!!

  11. creditcardfree Says:

    Glad you have a dollar amount on those closing costs! I hope it keeps moving in the right direction...SOLD!

  12. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    What awesome impending news!
    Happy birthday!

  13. MonkeyMama Says:


  14. rob62521 Says:

    Happy belated birthday!

    Hope it works out for you! Yay!

  15. Kiki Says:

    Congratulations! Great news!!

  16. michdado Says:

    Congrats to you! WOnderful

  17. Looking Forward Says:

    *fingers crossed*

  18. My English Castle Says:

    Excellent news!

  19. scfr Says:

    Holding my breath (well, not for too long) and crossing my fingers for you ...

  20. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Awesome news, congratulations!

  21. Bob B. Says:

    Congratulations to you!

  22. BuckyBadger Says:

    Awesome! Good luck!

  23. snafu Says:

    Good News! We're all cheering and waiting for confirmation that the condo's under contract.

  24. LuckyRobin Says:

    Well, that is promising. I hope they have their financing in place and you won't have to go through what we went through with our first offer. We finally close on Friday and I still don't think I am going to believe it until they sign and the money is in our account. And happy birthday.

  25. Firstofmanysteps Says:

    I hope it'll work out for you.

  26. Tabs Says:

    Ooh that sounds great!

  27. DeniseNTexas Says:

    I have my fingers AND eyes crossed for you. ;-) I hope it works out just as you wish!

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