Home > The sad story of our grocery budget

The sad story of our grocery budget

January 31st, 2013 at 12:43 am

I was feeling pretty great about our grocery spending last Saturday. We went about $30 into February, not bad at all.

Then I realized that I somehow (still wondering how) forgot to record a $60 purchase from the previous week! Ouch.

That was offset somewhat by the Amex card giving us $25 of rewards. So I still felt decent.

Then, we needed to replace toothbrush heads on our electric toothbrush. Over $40! Yikes. I know it's better for our teeth, but yowch.

A couple random bits of money out here and there, and we're starting February with $240 in the grocery budget, instead of the $375 we'd have if we were staying within budget. Sigh. Guess we'll be scrimping and scraping for Feb. 1-15. Hopefully Feb. 16-28 will be better. (I'm always saying that, but one of these days it'll be true!)

5 Responses to “The sad story of our grocery budget”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    February is a short month...maybe that will help.

  2. laura Says:

    I was told to replace my son's toothbrush since he had strep. He uses an electric one, too. Frown
    And my grocery budget is sparse, too, given loft goals for February. I was just looking at lentil soup recipes for DH. I'm glad that he likes tuna!

  3. snafu Says:

    February in MN is cold so you might extend any meal with a home made soup starter which cooks itself in a crockpot while you're gone. Stews, goulash, paella, pilaf, jambalya, cioppino, gumbo, casseroles, chillies turn inexpensive, at hand ingredients into nearly a gastronomic trip to warm climates with a few shakes of various spices.

    It helps to inventory the pantry & fridge & note an ingredient in the 'search' line at or, chop & the 'trinity' to saute while you assemble ingredients. Throw the makings into an ovenproof dish to bake all but last 10 minutes. When cool, refrigerate...that's tomorrow's dinner.

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    I know how to scrimp ... I was just hoping to get caught up and not have to be quite as tight this two-week period.

  5. SavingsQueen Says:

    I know how all that goes. It seems there are always "surprise" expenses that come up.

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