Home > Another math error; progress on Jan. debt goal; progress on big picture

Another math error; progress on Jan. debt goal; progress on big picture

January 3rd, 2013 at 10:21 pm

It's hard doing financial stuff when my head is fuzzy; more prone to weird errors! Anyway, I think I looked at some old info when I calculated the UK mortgage balances with the current exchange rate. Here's what I got:

Home/mortgage: $242,008
Education: $38,231

But when I checked the mortgages to record payments today, I realized that they were much lower than the payments could account for. I redid my calculations, and THIS is our actual starting debt number for the year:

Home/mortgage: $241,397
Education: $38,231

So at least the error correction worked out in our favor this time! It's not real progress, but a nice surprise anyway.

Now for the real progress. All our mortgage payments hit:
US: $437 to principal
UK1: $211 to principal
UK2: $45 to principal
UK3: $48 to principal

That means $740 down, $1445 to go on the January debt goal.

EDIT: Also saw that my automatic $50 debit into savings for my medical fund hit, so that's another bit of progress on my big-picture goal. $813.35 down, $1727.65 to go on that one for January.

2 Responses to “Another math error; progress on Jan. debt goal; progress on big picture”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    It's always nicer when a math error is in our favor. Great job on your debt reduction!

  2. ThriftoRama Says:

    I'll take that kind of math error any day!

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