Home > September debt progress, plus EF & weight progress

September debt progress, plus EF & weight progress

September 4th, 2012 at 11:12 pm

All four mortgage payments hit today:
US: $445 to principal
UK1: $264
UK2: $56
UK3: $58

All told, $823 down, $1258 to go on my September debt-repayment goal.

I was able to transfer US$450 into UK savings, taking our EF to $15,724.93. Would need to save $4,275.07 more to reach our 2012 goal.

At my weigh-in Sunday, I'd managed to lose another pound! I'm down to 133; just 4 lbs. to go to reach my 2012 goal.

5 Responses to “September debt progress, plus EF & weight progress”

  1. snafu Says:

    Please understand I'm not being critical or negative but it's not necessarily in your best interest to keep large sums in [EF] bank a/c earning little interest and losing buying power as prices go up.

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    'tis true. But I've only got about $6K in my US savings; I like having that much handy at a moment's notice. The UK savings is the bulk of our EF, and I have thought about getting it into a money-maker fund. Honestly, I just get tired thinking about figuring out the best UK places to put it, and about adding a layer of complexity to the UK tax return, which I barely know what I'm doing on anyway.

  3. littlegopher Says:

    Yay to losing another pound - you're really doing great!!

  4. Monkey Mama Says:

    It would be one thing if you were talking about $100k sitting around in cash with absolutely no purpose. But comments like this about $20k cash absolutely make me cringe. & I comment because I see "$20k cash is too much" as a *really* extreme view. Whenever I see that, I have to chime in with a very different opinion.

    So, kudos to you on your savings goal!

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    WTG on your loss!

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