Home > A day of good and bad financial news

A day of good and bad financial news

September 1st, 2012 at 05:53 pm

The good news was small bits of money, the big was bad. Let's get into the bad news first ...

Our medical fund is wiped out. NT's vasectomy bill came and it was over $1000. We had about $1300 in the medical fund and I was already going to transfer about $250 to cover lots of little medical expenses that have added up. I'd say our medical costs for the family have cost us $10K this year, not even counting our premiums. Really REALLY hope that's the last of the big medical bills this year. If we get any, I won't want to dip into the EF, so it'll mean cutting something nice out, like spending money. We now need to seriously prioritize building the medical fund back up.

Our mortgage interest rate and minimum payment are going up. Rate is going from 3.25% to 3.5%, and our payment is going up about $22 per month. Amount toward principal will decrease a bit, too. Bummer, our lucky streak with our adjustable rate mortgage has come to an end. At least it was a small amount.

OK, good news:

We had to stock up on groceries this week, having gone through virtually all our staples. I wanted to keep the bill to about $120 not counting diapers & wipes. I scouted coupons and sales and carefully planned the menu. We've spent about $100 so far and all we need now is cat litter and a few staples from the Asian grocery store. We may stay within my goal amount! The big shop came to $72 thanks to over $35 in coupon/sale savings, so we saved over a third off what it would have been full price!

Got a check from my freelance job already. That was REALLY fast. $130 that I was going to put to the house/moving/England fund, but may put toward medical expenses. I need to sit down and plan out what I'm going to do about the medical fund. I do want to add at least a little bit to the moving fund.

That's about all I have time for; we have company coming and I want to clean up, plus I have a fair amount of cooking to do before they come around 4 p.m.

I've been bad about tracking calories, but I'll try to go back and guesstimate what I had the past few days. I also haven't posted my menu and grocery list, and I already deleted part of it. Oh well.

2 Responses to “A day of good and bad financial news”

  1. Looking Forward Says:

    No more CeeJay babies Frown
    Nice job on the grocery savings! Smile

  2. Homebody Says:

    Well that just answered my question on your latest post! My DH's vasectomy was $ 1989!

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