Home > June 3 fitness results -- and important debt milestone!

June 3 fitness results -- and important debt milestone!

June 4th, 2012 at 03:27 pm

10-min. workout: Nope. I did walk quite a bit yesterday, so I feel good overall, but nothing vigorous enough to count in this challenge. Once AS's mom leaves I'll devote myself to this part of the challenge.
Results so far: 1/3 (1 out of 3 days)

Calorie counting: estimated 1717. (My target is 1280-1400.)
Results so far: 3/3 (my goal is to track, so even if I go over my limit, it counts as a success)

No night snacks: success! Had a cup of peppermint tea
Results so far: 3/3

Also, finally lost some of the weight from May! I'm down to 141, which is still 2 lbs. over my starting weight for the year, and 12 lbs. higher than I want to be, but nice to see some movement on the scale.

And now ... I entered my May debt repayment to my "Past Goals and Results" page, and realized that our total payoff since May 2007 has been more than $150,000! I told AS and NT and their first reaction was "I can't believe we got in this much debt!" It's hard to imagine because for the past 5 years, we've had a completely different attitude toward money than we did for the first 10+ years of adulthood.

But, it means we've pretty much reduced our debt by one-third. Considering how much we started with, no small feat!

2 Responses to “June 3 fitness results -- and important debt milestone!”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Congratulations on less debt...paying off $150k is no small feat!!

  2. Shiela Says:

    Woo hoo... $150K gone! You are doing a fantastic job.

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