Home > May results, June goals

May results, June goals

June 1st, 2012 at 09:50 pm

May went very well in the debt and fitness departments (though not in the savings, net worth or weight loss areas ...).

May goals:
Pay off at least $1,100 of debt.
Balance as of 5/30/12: $310,772
Goal balance: $310,823
Progress: DONE! $1151 down

Do these 5 things at least 5 times:
1. Walk to or from work (XXXXX)
2. Exercise to a Gilad program (XXXXX)
3. Do free-weight training (XXXXX)
4. Ride my bike (XXXXX)
5. Walk up the stairs to my condo (XXXXX)
Progress: DONE!

My June debt repayment is very up in the air; will probably be minimal. Because I like debt goals I'm SURE I can reach, my goal is to pay off $1,000.

For June, as I mentioned, I have three healthy goals:
1. Do at least 10 minutes of VIGOROUS exercise per day.
2. Count all calories consumed (or, if that info not available, estimate).
3. Eliminate night snacking (exceptions: fruit, veggies, peanut butter, herbal tea).

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