All our mortgage payments hit:
US: $439 to principal
UK1: $263
UK2: $56
UK3: $58
All told, $821 down, $1179 to go on the April debt goal.
I was also able to transfer 300 pounds ($600) to the EF, bringing our total to $14,798.55. If only we could do that every month, we'd get VERY close to our $20K goal!
Also, NT's dad put 100 pounds ($200) in his UK savings account for little SL. Along with the $200 we'd already saved for her, her net worth at 5 days old is $400. Not bad!
As for my weight goal, I somehow managed to lose 2 lbs. even during the hospital stay with all the sitting around doing nothing but eating. I'm at 140, so 1 lb. higher than I started the year and 11 lbs. away from my 129 goal.
Progress on April debt goal & others
April 3rd, 2012 at 10:14 pm