I really should blog more often; as it is, I store up topics and end up with these long titles and rambling posts. But anyway, here goes another one.
I called Comcast today and got them to downgrade our cable TV. We lost all channels 100 and up. Still got DVR, and 90% of our favorite shows are in the lower channels, so it shouldn't be too hard an adjustment.
Last week when I was just making exploratory calls, the phone person had a 3-month internet discount to offer me. I was pretty sure I was going to go back and get the Blast upgrade for a 12-month discount, so I turned it down. Today when I asked if there were any deals, the customer service guy had nothing! So weird and annoying -- I guess all the deals dried up the day after I called/chatted.
On a brighter note, I checked my Sapphire account last night and my 50,000 points were showing up! Actually 54,000, so I ordered a $540 check right away. As soon as I receive it, deposit it and confirm that the money has gone into my account, I get to write my cranky email to them letting them know they lost a customer!
It looks like we'll have over $1000 of extra money this month. I suggested we use some of it for a party we're hosting this Sunday; we devised a cooking contest where four of our friends will compete against each other and the other guests will taste their food and vote for their favorite. We'll be providing ingredients and we have to provide a fairly large range, as well as some prizes for the winners (bottles of wine and/or cooking supplies, probably) and participants. We should still have a fair amount of money left over for extra debt repayment! This party really will be my last day before I start my new eating plan.
Speaking of that, I found a PDF of helpful suggestions for getting started on improving diet and increasing exercise on my work computer. NT sent it to me years ago and I saved it to my desktop but never got around to reading it. Today I did, and it had some pretty helpful hints, as well as a log that you could use to track eating and activity. Well, I don't want to carry around a hard-copy log, but I saved the PDF to Google Docs so I could refer to it from anywhere, and I plan to start an Excel log that mirrors their suggested log.
Downgraded cable + got Chase Sapphire points + diet & exercise plan
July 18th, 2011 at 10:18 pm
July 18th, 2011 at 10:24 pm 1311024269
July 18th, 2011 at 10:42 pm 1311025378
July 18th, 2011 at 11:15 pm 1311027339
July 19th, 2011 at 03:40 am 1311043214
July 19th, 2011 at 06:56 am 1311055012
July 19th, 2011 at 09:55 am 1311065708