$25 went into the EF, as well as 51 cents of interest. That brings 2011 EF progress to $3292.78 ($11,804.73 in the EF total). Nearing the halfway mark on my goal of raising $7000 for the EF this year!
I'm so glad I save up medical money separately. Last month our kitty Noodles needed about $250 of medical treatment; this month we got a $500+ bill for AS's root canal. It hurts to take that money out of savings, but not as much as if I counted my medical savings in my emergency fund!
NT and AS have proven willing to at least discuss cheaper options to cable and Netflix, since cable raised our rate recently and Netflix is planning to in September. We've talked about renting movies from Redbox and the library, getting an alternate device that streams content from the internet, etc. I haven't seen a clear way to save a lot of money and still get the entertainment we like best, but we'll keep working on it. The biggies for us are BBC shows such as Dr. Who and Torchwood (though Torchwood this season is on Starz, which we don't get anyway). We'll see if there are ways to stream them online when they come out; otherwise, we could wait and buy/rent the DVDs once those are available, but as a Brit NT would be dying inside if he knew there are new Dr. Who episodes and had to wait months to see them!
I did get an offer to upgrade our internet for $15 less per month -- for 12 months. After that, it would be about $15 more than what we pay now. I guess we could downgrade after the year is up, or look for other promo offers...haven't decided on that yet.
Anyway, we're not going to be hasty, but I'm glad we're looking at options. I got cable/internet and Netflix at what I considered fair prices, but I don't like to see them going up incrementally, when income has pretty much stagnated.
Savings progress + thinking about media savings
July 14th, 2011 at 11:32 pm
July 15th, 2011 at 12:20 am 1310685642