We had a fantastic month of debt repayment in February, which is good because otherwise it was not a particularly frugal month. In the February eat-at-home challenge, I think we maybe racked up 2 points. LOL.
First, I found out that AS frequently buys a Coke at work, nearly every day. Then, I've felt less inclined to go walking around with NT at lunch, so he's been coming over to my building, where the only place to sit is in the coffee shop. So we've been buying beverages to be able to sit together there.
Then, I've been trying to have date nights, and we've been too exhausted to cook some nights, so we've been eating out or getting takeout WAY more than we usually do. Also, my sugar and chocolate cravings have been so bad that I've been buying random candy bars and snacks, which I virtually NEVER did before I got pregnant.
Then there was Valentine's Day, and this weekend, AS and I are having our birthday dinners out. Our birthdays are March 2 and 4, but since we're so close to the due date we decided to celebrate early.
Also, our grocery spending has gone way over what it normally does because we've been buying all sorts of nonperishable foods (we usually eat mostly fresh foods and don't have a very heavily stocked pantry) and convenience meals in preparation for whatever the first few weeks have in store.
And then, we had a flurry of baby-supply buying for any supplies that we didn't get through hand-me-downs or baby-shower gifts.
Despite all that, we still managed to save up most of the money needed for our family trips and to put a bit away in the EF, so I don't feel bad about it, but it's just been a weird feeling to do so much buying.
For March, my debt-payment "goal" is just to pay the minimum required maintenance on everything, about $1130 total. So we'll follow our record-breaking month with another record--the lowest amount of debt paid since I started my journey. LOL.
Other than that, I have a whole huge list of to-dos for March, divided into pre- and post-birth, but I won't bore you with them. They'll get taken care of because they pretty much have to.
February wrap-up and March goals
February 27th, 2010 at 03:49 pm
February 27th, 2010 at 06:37 pm 1267295867
February 27th, 2010 at 07:46 pm 1267299979