Home > Progress on Feb. debt goal; Jan. 30-in-30 wrap-up; money into savings; etc.

Progress on Feb. debt goal; Jan. 30-in-30 wrap-up; money into savings; etc.

February 1st, 2010 at 04:46 pm

The three UK mortgage payments hit:
UK#1: $254 to principal
UK#2: $54 to principal
UK#3: $56 to principal

All told, $364 down, $1436 to go on the February debt-repayment goal.

I tallied up my points for Wild Blue Yonder's January "30-in-30" decluttering challenge. We got rid of 52 items over the course of the month, and accumulated 89.5 points. Add in the 3-point bonus for hitting the 30-item goal, and our points total was 92.5. That was fun--and productive. Thanks fern!

I dumped the extra flat-rental income that didn't go to mortgages into UK savings--302 pounds, or $604 per the CJ exchange rate. Our baby/EF is now at $8255.69! I also put $25 into our birthday fund last week, so that's at $75. I think I'm going to go ahead and fund that fully to $600 using our tax refund; I was undecided, but we're making great progress on our goals and AS's freelance work just keeps rolling in, so I think we'll be OK.

Speaking of taxes, my company FINALLY made our W2s available online Friday! We were away all weekend, but now I can finally dive in and get my and NT's taxes done. AS is almost at a good stopping point between proofing projects, so probably tomorrow she can start attacking her business records and get her income and expenses for 2009 tallied.

I already know where the money's coming from for paying off the loan to my dad, so the next goal I'm focusing on is saving up money for a June trip to Va. Just $1000 to start with, to make sure we can cover plane tickets. Hopefully if we're doing well by June, we'll have enough money for a rental car, maybe some for eating at a restaurant or two. If not, we'll just depend on the kindness of grandparents to feed us and help us get around! Smile

1 Responses to “Progress on Feb. debt goal; Jan. 30-in-30 wrap-up; money into savings; etc.”

  1. momcents Says:

    It has been my experience that grandparents will actually PAY you to go away for awhile so they can smother the baby with attention while you are away, I think they call it "providing you with quality grown-up time". Nice progress on goals. When's the baby due?

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