Home > Big old awesome payment to personal loan

Big old awesome payment to personal loan

September 16th, 2009 at 02:22 pm

My personal loan payment hit! It felt like Christmas morning when I woke up, because I'm that lame. Smile

$1194 went to principal, making it $2115 down, $85 to go on my September debt goal. AS's student loan payment at the end of the month should wrap that up.

The personal loan is down to $4879. Barring any disasters, we should be able to pay this off by January! The worst-case scenario is that it would be paid off by May, which is still way ahead of schedule, but I really want it gone before baby gets here.

4 Responses to “Big old awesome payment to personal loan”

  1. mrs. Says:

    Well done - you'll have kicked that puppy to the curb by the time Baby gets here.

    Makes me think I need to come up with a practical goal to be debt-free by. My goals are too many and too scattered to be making progress that is acceptable. Time to focus and regroup.

  2. Petunia Says:

    Woo-hoo! Great work!

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Yipee!! Great job. I checked my loan balances today, too. I guess we are lame together!!

  4. BuckhornGal Says:

    Fantastic news!

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