Home > September 2009 goals

September 2009 goals

September 6th, 2009 at 11:52 pm

You probably wouldn't notice this, but my new current debt totals show a lower credit card/personal debt and higher student loan debt. That's because the remaining student loan money from last semester, which we were unable to apply to summer tuition, just came to us anyway in the form of a check! So I decided to apply it to my higher-interest personal loan, which I'm trying to pay off before the baby comes in order to eliminate that $623 monthly payment.

So I was able to transfer $1777 of personal debt over to education debt. It doesn't decrease our debt total, but it does take the personal loan down to $6323 and our technical CC/personal debt total to $24,107.

I already know some of my September payments have hit, so I want to get the goals written quickly so I can report progress!

1. Debt: Pay off at least $2200 of debt.
Balance as of 9/6: $391,677
Goal balance: $389,477
Progress: $0 down, $2200 to go

2. Savings: Save at least $170 ($120 for AS retirement; 50$ for EF)
Progress: $0 saved

3. Creative/crafts: Catch up on food photos.

4. Other: Do NT's UK taxes.

My savings goal is much lower than usual because I'm not going to put any of NT's flat-rental income into savings until I know whether we owe taxes in the UK. Hopefully not, but I'll have to see once I do his taxes.

2 Responses to “September 2009 goals”

  1. mark ryan Says:

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    Mr Mark Ryan

  2. donnah Says:

    Hello mr. Mr. Ryan
    I have investigated your self and representing company, I had my answers that this is PLAINLY SCAM, although I am in need to borrow to clear up my debts, I am in hesitant due to IDENTITY THEFT risk that I have learnt from searching your recommendation of easy loan.

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