Home > 365 days of dinner: Jan. 7, 2009 (sort of) and Jan. 8 brekkie

365 days of dinner: Jan. 7, 2009 (sort of) and Jan. 8 brekkie

January 8th, 2009 at 03:15 pm

OK, you're gonna laugh. We had friends over for dinner last night, and even though we had the camera on the table we completely forgot to take a picture. Ordinarily this doesn't matter, because we've got extra that we can photograph in the pan, or leftovers in Tupperware. But this time we didn't have any leftovers. I racked my brain for some way to photograph dinner (short of regurgitating it and...OK, that's enough) and finally realized we did have extra--of the sauce.

So last night's dinner was homemade fettuccine (by NT) with pesto, cherry tomatoes, broccoli and mushrooms,'s the leftover pesto sauce.

UPDATE: However, NT helped me save face somewhat by photographing the gorgeous chocolate-marzipan croissants that AS slaved over for hours last night, and that I'm about to have for breakfast. Thanks NT and AS!

7 Responses to “365 days of dinner: Jan. 7, 2009 (sort of) and Jan. 8 brekkie”

  1. CouponAddict Says:

    Ceejay: now you are starting to make me sad. You do not want to see what we ate last night. How do you find time to make a gourmet meal every night?

    We Had:
    Cold Leftover Fried Chicken (Store Bought- on sale)
    & a package of Hotdogs!
    then after getting home from Church activites Breaded Chicken Nuggets

    The plan was hotdogs and Mac & Cheese but with only 25 minutes for dinner; the water was not heating on our currently cracked stovetop so no Mac & Cheese.

  2. pearlieq Says:

    Oh my goodness, can you please FedEx me one of those croissants? Wow!

    I've been enjoying following your dinner postings. Except now I've got a mad craving for pad thai. Or maybe peanut noodles with grilled tofu. Hmm...

  3. mom-sense Says:

    So much for my plans to blog/comment only once a week, I had to respond. I am coming over to camp out on your couch. And I will get the hang of the wii fitness before I decide to buy it, though I suspect those chocolate marzipan croissants might thwart my efforts to eat sensibly (not that those are bad items exactly, I suspect my judgmen would be out the window and I would "snarf" my way thru the bowl!) Have a good one, CJ!

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    pearlieq, that sounds awesome. I love peanut noodles and tofu in any form!

    CouponAddict, it's very simple. No extracurricular activities right now, and no children. If I do this project next year and we've had a baby, you'll see the deterioration of our mealtimes! LOL. Also, there are three of us, and we generally take turns cooking and help each other prep (although NT has been taking on most of the cooking because he can't cook much at all when college is in session).

    We're not superhuman, we're just taking advantage of a lull in life to really pay attention to dinner. Hopefully we'll be able to keep this up somewhat when we have other things going on, but it won't be to this level.

  5. my english castle Says:

    Croissants?! From scratch? There better be room for lots of us on your sofa!

  6. shiela Says:

    Yum, home made pesto are the best.

  7. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Oh my. Those croissants look way too yummy to stay in that bowl. Smile

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