Home > Next step in the January fitness goal

Next step in the January fitness goal

January 7th, 2009 at 04:15 pm

We all did Wii Fit for 30 minutes last night again! I did a little better on some of the exercises, although I'm predictably hopeless at the balance games, which are closer to regular video games except you use the weight of your body instead of a controller. I can feel some muscle soreness in my belly, arms and a bit in my legs, so I can tell it's working something, although I don't really sweat much since we take turns and there are short breaks while you start up a new exercise.

That's 2 workouts down, 8 to go on my January fitness goal.

I asked AS for some guidance on mending the rag rug, and it sounds fairly straightforward (good because I am very rusty on my needle skills). The one thing she said is it's hard on your back, because you want to keep it on the floor so it maintains its shape, which means you're constantly bending over. So I'd better get going on it, giving myself enough time to do it in short spurts with frequent breaks!

And with the glasses collecting, I just need to make up a notice that I can post in my work (and have NT send out at his). I got some glasses just by a friend mentioning it to another friend, so I'm sure there are others who have old pairs lying around.

And the plastic bags just need about 20 minutes of my time to wash and hang out to dry. We've still been really good about not getting new bags at the store, but I really need to get these produce bags washed so we can reuse them.

4 Responses to “Next step in the January fitness goal”

  1. Koppur Says:

    Wii sounds so much fun! Great job!

  2. shiela Says:

    The top level rhythm boxing and hula-hoop always gets me sweaty.

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    I played the Wii when I visited my brother last May. He didn't have Wii Fit, but just the regular games disk. It was a lot of fun -especially the bowling and the boxing. Smile

  4. baselle Says:

    Keep working on the balance. Improving that really helped my quality of exercise.

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