Home > First payment of the New Year

First payment of the New Year

January 2nd, 2009 at 02:07 am

Well, we had a good New Year's eve and day despite the bad news yesterday. We're determined to pursue the money but not to let it get to us whatever the outcome.

Anyway, my credit card payment hit, so the first step on one of my goals was accomplished. $227 down, $1273 to go on my debt-repayment goal.

Also, $25 was transferred into savings. I'm putting that toward the birthday fund, so it's $25 down, $325 to go on that fund, $1525 to go on January savings overall.

No progress on the other goals, except I did collect a few pairs of eyeglasses from the friends who hosted New Year's Eve last night.

2 Responses to “First payment of the New Year”

  1. HouseHopeful Says:

    Great job with the savings. $1525 into savings for January is awesome!

  2. Petunia Says:

    Woo hoo, ceejay! What a great start to your 2009 goals!

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