Home > March debt progress

March debt progress

March 5th, 2015 at 05:54 am

All our mortgage payments hit:
US condo $495 to principal
US duplex $635
UK flat #1 $226
UK #2 $46
UK #3 $51

All told, that's $1453 down, $97 to go on the March debt goal.

Not much other news:

NT signed the condo offer and scanned/emailed it to our agent today. That's it on our end for a while, I believe.

I nudged my broker again and now he says it'll be Friday before he's ready with a refi offer for the duplex mortgage.

Birthdays are going well -- 2 down, 3 to go! AA had a little fever tonight and was devastated at the thought of being sick on her bday tomorrow. I think her sheer determination not to be might just heal her faster! We'll see tomorrow morning.

1 Responses to “March debt progress”

  1. NJDebbie Says:

    My DS#2 birthday is on Monday and I remember that when he was a little boy he would always be sick with a fever on his birthday. I hope this is not the case for your little girl. Tell her I said, "Happy Birthday!" Great job on debt reduction.

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