Home > Progress on my December fitness goal

Progress on my December fitness goal

January 6th, 2009 at 05:09 pm

I planned to work out last night anyway. Then, at lunch, NT and I cruised the video-games aisle at Target as we do at least once a week, to see if the Wii Fit is in stock. We've been looking for it since May when we tried it out in England at our friends' house.

Yesterday, it was in stock! We immediately purchased it with gift cards from Xmas, and so last night we all worked out on the Wii, 30 minutes each.

Of course, the 30 minutes were really stretched out, because we were learning the different games and taking turns. But I still got a mild workout from it, especially considering I haven't worked out in months. I think the lunges and pushups are going to be felt in my muscles by tonight or tomorrow morning. So that's one workout down, nine to go on my December goal!

4 Responses to “Progress on my December fitness goal”

  1. Analise Says:

    It sounds like a fun way to exercise... maybe I need to look into something like a Wii. I've been hearing some of my younger friends talk about the Wii but don't really know much about it. Is it expensive and what do you need to make it work?

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    It's a total indulgence. The basic setup is a game console, a remote and a nunchuck (a thing on a cord that connects to the remote if a game takes two hands), and it runs about $250. It comes with some fun games, some of which do afford some exercise opportunities. Wii Sports (a game usually included with the console) includes boxing, baseball and tennis, where you actually mimic the moves needed to play these sports.

    The Wii Fit game costs about $100 and includes a balance board which you stand on for most of the exercises.

    So to get Wii Fit started, it would run you about $350. Wii is a really fun thing to have for parties and just to play when you're by yourself, but it is definitely a luxury item, not a bargain at all.

  3. thriftorama Says:

    The Wii fit is a great idea. A video game that's also exercise? Genius.

  4. Analise Says:

    Thanks for the info, Ceejay!

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