Home > Debt-repayment & savings progress for November

Debt-repayment & savings progress for November

November 1st, 2012 at 08:39 pm

All mortgage payments hit today:
US: $435 to principal
UK1: $264
UK2: $56
UK3: $58

All told, $813 down, $937 to go on my November debt repayment goal.

NT's rental management company charged a service fee, as they do twice a year, so I could only put $70 into EF savings. Still, that takes our EF to $16,525.42. That means we'd still have to come up with nearly $3500 to hit the $20K goal this year. Not likely, but hoping to at least get to $18K this year and then finish up early next year.

To that end, I'm only paying enough extra on student loans to get total debt under $300K. Anything else will get put into the EF.

1 Responses to “Debt-repayment & savings progress for November”

  1. TexasDisneyGirl Says:

    Good job!

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