Home > June results, July goals

June results, July goals

July 2nd, 2012 at 03:58 am

June debt results: paid off $1069, a bit over the $1000 goal. Ending balance $309,703

June fitness results: worked out 24 of the 30 days, counted calories 28 days, avoided night snacking 27 days. AND, I just weighed in at 138, 4 lbs. lighter than last week! First time I've been under 139 since before I was pregnant in 2009. This is a big boost that I really needed.

July goals:
Debt: Pay off at least $1025. This will hopefully be the last puny debt-repayment month; August we're on to our new budget where there should be about $1000 extra for debt each month!

Fitness: I'm so glad I had some significant weight loss this week, because it's inspired me to stay the course. So I'm still going to try for 10 minutes of vigorous exercise daily, calorie counting every day, and no night snacking save for my exceptions of fruit, veggies, peanut butter or tea.

To that end, here are my results for today, July 1:

10-min. workout: 20 min. playing wiffle ball w/AA in the park. Results so far: 1/31

Calorie counting: Estimated 1356. Results so far: 1/31

No night snacks: Success! Results so far: 1/31

2 Responses to “June results, July goals”

  1. laura Says:

    Yay on success all the way around! Especially the pre-baby weight! Smile

  2. mamasita Says:

    Sounds like all of the consistency and work with exercise and healthy eating is paying off, what a great feeling!

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