Home > NaNoWriMo, anyone?

NaNoWriMo, anyone?

November 1st, 2007 at 02:47 pm

Is anyone else on the blog participating in National Novel Writing Month?

If you haven't heard of it, it's an online challenge to write a novel (at least 50,000 words) between Nov. 1 and Nov. 30. It doesn't have to be good or polished, and you don't have to be a creative writer to try. It's free to join, there's no prize save your own satisfaction, and there's no shame in not making it! I tried in '05 and got several thousand words written before losing steam. Then last year, I was going to do it but I had too many other obligations at the time to even get started.

This year I'm determined to give it a more serious go, like I did in '05, so I took the day off! Right now I'm still procrastinating while I try to think of a good enough idea to stay interested in all month.

If you're interested, you can check out the Web site: It's a really cute organization.

4 Responses to “NaNoWriMo, anyone?”

  1. madhaus90 Says:

    I might join you on this. 1995 was the year of my attempt at a novel (worked part-time and had no kids). I was a therapist and had lots of crazy characters running around my head! Now I'm thinking about junior room fiction as I'm living upper elementary school drama now with two daughters! Thanks for the idea, and good luck with your ideas!

  2. Carolina Bound Says:

    I've tried it for the last two years, but didn't get very far. Now that I'm retired, I have no excuse!

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    1,440 words so far! Lots of people are way farther ahead; one insane person is more than halfway through (26,000 words). But my goal is to get at least 1,667 words, with 2,000 being the ideal, by midnight.

    It's very cathartic, even though it's not very good writing. I haven't done anything creative in over a year, so it feels like I'm stretching underused muscles. And, to relate it to the savings blog, it's a no-spend way to pass the time! :-)

  4. alianora Says:

    Not this year! Ive done it the past 2 years, but with a six month old, i cant seem to get my brain to work!

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